Super Nintendo Chalmers

You left out Nixon.
I'm pretty sure he only ran the 2nd time as revenge on the Kennedy family.

What? You mean not all working class people are white and from the rust belt?
Are you telling me others feel frustrated and stymied by the system but didn't vote for an unstable bigot to blow it all up?
Now that's just crazy talk!

Do you think you're Special or something

Well it was that Leave it to Beaver episode where the boys get stuck up on the billboard.

*Orders knockwurst*

Blondie and Garbage? Another newswire about Ivanka's crappy clothing line?

Cracker Barrel

Follow me, I know the way.

You mean by not having a rifle for bear?
-Betsy DeVos
U.S. Secretary of Educatoon

I'm never goin back

It's even extended to some minimum security prisons.

Yep, all those fat tubed TVs that weighed 875 lbs.

Maybe they thought his comments might be propane

On the contrary, Love will keep us together.

Truman State?
I remember when they called it Northeast Missouri State University
*Ties onion to belt*

Just like the Trump White House!

Netflix is bringing us Love, don't let it get away!

It's certainly not a fore gone conclusion.

I'm sure they could iron out their differences

That better not make it to a fifth season!