Super Nintendo Chalmers

Truman and LBJ died less than a month apart. They didn't even have time to raise the flag up before lowering it again.

We have 5 living former Presidents now.

Remember those pictures of lungs riddled with emphysema they used to show in health class?

Or Ivanka

It'll be a chile day in hell before the pun threads die on this site.

Everybody was older in the 80's though

In French with subtitles?

Lots of people die that way
—Donald J Trump

Well since there will be no movie might as well kill some time by skinny dipping in this lake.

Too late, Chris Hansen bought part of Vizio for a reason.

The one they sent me had the tape already over it.

If your porno sells, then yeah

Or she could set up a franchise of Judy Greer Rolls, They will be Cinnabon's best friend.

According to the Nelson Muntz ratings—
ha ha

I really like Nashville. Lived there briefly in 2012-2013. Would have stayed but couldn't find a steady job and things were shaky with my gf who lived there so moving back made the most sense.

I'm in Missouri and all but 4 of our counties went Trump. 3 in metro St. Louis and Kansas City and Boone County which contains the college town of Columbia.

Just once in his life

My parents saw Kramer vs. Kramer at the drive in and I was supposedly asleep in the back of the station wagon, but I was too young to remember any of that.


And not open to the public