Super Nintendo Chalmers

What ever happened to the milkman

From the windows to the walls

Shelby County voted Trump??

The AV Club

I'll have to consult my local library

Oh the dicks are just getting started.
Next on tap is rebooting Karate Kid so Billy Zabka wins at the end.

She has a name you know

Conservatives to unemployed:
"Get a job!! Oh, and we're taking away the method by which 95% of employers request resumes or applications in 2017. But still, get a job!!"

I just moan into an old Victrola player.

I wonder how many times he's asked them for their livers

She's filming "Camping Buddies 2"

Unless they die in Benghazi and you can tenously blame their death on the Democratic Secretary of State. Then ask questions until the families of ths fallen beg you to stop. But keep doing it.

I read an article on Political Wire where they quoted one of his aides who said those 3 fast food joints were the "staples" of his diet

Worst. Episode. Ever.

And bleached your eyes, genitals, and brain afterwards

Wood you lay off the puns please?

Last time I was in Boston it was some bro country act playing there.

His diet also consists almost entirely of McDonald's, KFC, Dominos Pizza and Diet Coke so he's likely seriously physically fucking ill as well.

Nobody's referenced weed yet with Danks Obama?
Well let me be the first.

This pun thread feels rashad