Super Nintendo Chalmers

Haven't you seen him in golf pants?
He has a front butt.

The US woke up back in bed with Great Britain and said "I had the strangest dream"

Wait, how did Canada die before us?

4F on account of small hands


Oh the Humanity!

The "failure" that got Barack Obama elected with over 50% of the vote twice?

No shit, I had friends all primary season who said "Bernie is awesome in every thing he says and does!"

Maybe she thought they could tell how important it was to hold their nose and vote for someone they agreed with 80% of the time instead of alliwing a fascist to get in.

Good one Travis Trickle!

Or the tee

Did he think he was the guy from Wall Street who went down on his younger wife a lot?

No kidneying!

Plus, those trips to Wichita weren't cheap either.

This pun train is leaving the deppot

Ah, Virginia Madsen.
Her late night appearances on HBO when I was in middle school taught me how to do laundry in the quietest, most secretive way possible.

Or looking around for cocaine

Looks like the Heat Meister to me.

I'm sure they'll hold the line

If Trump Cure is the same smashing success as Trump University, Trump Airline, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine etc, etc, I'll take my chances with chemo thank you very much!