Super Nintendo Chalmers

Perry will just dazzle them with his sweet dance moves.

Hey remember in 2007 when we thought we'd never have a President as shitty as we did then?

Well if they're dead they'll definitely be voting Democrat!
-Your Fox News watching friend/family member

Is the oath 140 characters or less?
If so he'll tweet it from his gold toilet in Trump Tower

If it's a legitimate cover band there are ways of shutting it down

But what if the music isn't good?

Settled? I paid extra for it!

Ah yes, the term they used for my great uncle—and his "roommate" of 37 years.

I was Sean-a say!

Another pun thread?
Stop Messing around

Not quite as extreme but I'm also amazed when I recall that James Gandolfini was still in his 30s in the first season of The Sopranos.

The cheesecake budget will be a fraction of what it was in the original!

Make St. Olaf Great Again!

Sadly yes

Sounds like Charles wants to be in Charge of something in the Trump administration.

Oh c'mon I'm sure if Lincoln came back from the dead he'd be totally cool with all the Confederate flags flying in the same yards as Trump signs.

Congrats LePage. I used to think Pennywise was the biggest cretin from the state of Maine.

Maine is already in a corner,
And Texas is too, sorta.

Who's The Boss, bitch!
