Super Nintendo Chalmers

Yeah,I normally think that's something that makes New England cool. That it's possible for independents to win there. But the downside of that is when the non asshole vote is split fairly evenly the unrepentant asshole can win.

I send all my Tweets by Pony Express.

If Mr. Hart were real I have no doubt he'd be in Trump's cabinet.

Some "artist" from my hometown made a 48 inch long steel replica of Trump's red necktie and is selling it for 850 bucks. The local alternative paper called it the first Trump tie made in the U.S.A.

Andy Dufresne told me to get busy livin, or get busy dyin

No hugging, no learning

All these reboots of 80's TV shows and still the only one I've seen for "BJ and The Bear" is on Pornhub and seems to be quite divergent from the original.

Those women throwing themselves at the billionaires want to stay.
You pay a hooker to go away.

If they smoked like he did they probably checked out with cancer at 41

I'll take "Simpsons Did It" for 200

If only!

That happened to the guy from Kings of Leon on stage at an amphitheater here in St. Louis a couple years ago. Are you a King of Leon?

That poor shit, now that it's touched Shkreli's face it's dream of being fertilizer is over.

Also, catering

So they'll be President of the United States then?

-The AV Club

And too evil for the empire

Reince Preibus

It will be tough to meat the expectations

I doubt this show will be well done.