Super Nintendo Chalmers

See also: penis

That poor dog shit.

I'm surprised Trump hasn't tweeted a response yet.

*Moves gut out of the way*

Kids gotta learn it somewhere

Will Aurora's Asian restaurants be running specials on Cream of Sum Yun Gi?

Filmgoers will be coming out of their, wherever, to see it

If there was a video of Trump engaging in the mildest form of man on man action it would be the death knell to his hardcore supporters. Short of that they won't care.

We're gonna need an old priest and a young priest for the next 4 yrs!

Jails have many doors

You normally would need to go to a county fair or 3rd rate riverboat casino to see such stars! I can't wait to not watch this shitshow.

I for one welcome our new bear overlords!

*80s saxophone riff*

Bring your own mayo

Yes Moe's sucks.
Qdoba used to be better, but their latest menu change lost me.

Taco Bell fans use phrases like "oh yeah?" and "come here a minute"

Can we Nazstify him by 10%?
-Steve Bannon

This GJI seems a bit Rushed

Hot dog! We have a weiner!

Black and white can't capture a Trump's cheeto hue.