Super Nintendo Chalmers

You don't wanna see what REALLY happened to Brender n Eddie

That's the Power of Scrub!

Sponsored by Mike's Hard Lemonade

Thanks! When everything is falling to shit I have to remind myself it could be worse.

He doesn't wait long

-Donald J Trump

Yep them Trumps shar do understand us reg'lar folk!
-Idiot white working class schlub

Stay away from the brie!

True, but even David Duke endorsed him.

"Trump-loving white supremacists"
Are there white supremacists who don't love Trump?

Joe Cucker gets by with a little help from his friends

Strange that someone with the name Broadway would be doing straight porn.

The best part is all the white assholes that defend every hissy fit he has now will tell him to "suck it up buttercup" or whatever horseshit saying they have when people dare to stand up for their rights.

He is the most precious snowflake.

Neeson's punchline:
Your wall won't stop this foreigner….from kicking your ass!


Actually the doctors that have the least amount of human interaction are coroners.

No, just ignorant.

Do you add cheeto dust or was that already there?

*Canned Laughter*