Super Nintendo Chalmers


Threw A Lamp in the White House Once is a rare gem.

But he had all the best anecdotes about playing golf with Prescott Bush

Took me all of 10 seconds to shoot!

Cut it out!

You're Horrible

It's cute that you guys still think "conflict of interest " is a thing in this new administration.

You got two fists don't ya?

I'll drunkenly careen a vessel full of oil off the Alaskan coast!

Po-ta-to man!

It makes sense he's in the new season of Fargo.
If North Dakota was a person it would probably look like Jim Gaffigan. Or Chuck Klosterman.

And Barry. Manilow. Wrote. The. Fucking. Songs!

Those gourmet toppings cost extra

Hot and reddy describes my ass the next morning

So in the 2030s we can look forward to a Twitter movie?

Those blintzes were terrible!

It's a blow to my whole day

I have a 2015 Hyundai Elantra that I bought last year slightly used.
My previous car I bought brand new—a 2003 Civic. It lasted me 13 yrs and 200K miles, but you pay a lot for that new car smell.

Considering Trump is still Exec Producer Schwarzenegger should reply like Jules in Pulp Fiction when Jimmy said they looked like dorks
"Ha ha, they're your clothes motherfucker!"

The coal mines aren't coming back to Kentucky, but those who got sick from them will lose their health care.