Super Nintendo Chalmers

Hey I live in Missouri, which voted for Trump by a larger margin than Texas (mind boggling!). Now I live in the city so it went for Clinton, but I still love where I live. I'm not shipping off to Brooklyn or L.A.

That teacher was workin overtime!

But he didn't talk to them like humans. He talked to them like a grifter does to his mark.

How can you tell the difference?

My point is this—if we normalize their idiotic decision making we can't expect to appeal to them with beneficial policies anyway. Someone will just come along and promise them a pinball machine in the break room in exchange for their health coverage. And he won't even come through with the pinball!

Take my fuck, please
-Melania Trump

I'm tired of coddling the assholes in the shitvilles of the Midwest and south that voted for him too.

More like Van Sufferin, amirite?

The NighMets are my favorite squadron

In 1976 the South voted for the Democratic nominee and California went Republican.

Ugh, another pun thread. I guess I'll just go with the flow

Will TBS fill that void with more showings of Horrible Bosses?

They were just in Australia

Hands are too big

On account ah there's somethin wrong with muh semen

Then she'll be known as…..OctoHahn!

Secret Service Amy?

Don't forget Scout's Honor!

On the one hand I'd say that's mean, on the other hand…Jeff Dunham

Those clowns in the British registry have done it again
What a bunch of clowns