Super Nintendo Chalmers

I'll have to reread City of Quartz. I read it in my senior year of college and I agree about Mike Davis's writing style, but I'd still another gander at it to see that chapter. Just have to dig it out of storage.

Seven Ways Past Silly is the new band the kids love.

I once had to decide left or right hand

So Jabba the Hut didn't want to put on the extra weight to play Ailes?

Most of the ones I've seen have been hippies. And not the cool ones who just want to smoke weed and listen to jam bands. Annoying, judgmental, and completely unrealistic ones.

I may be mistaken but I seem to recall the Family Ties episode where the kids deal with death (a standard of every family sitcom in the 80s) revolving around their great aunt passing. Call me jaded but as a kid the loss if a great aunt or uncle just meant we had to spend 20 minutes at the funeral home. It wasn't some

Ohio seems determined to slip to the deplorables. We might have to rename it West Virginia North

If you haven't read "Rivethead" see if you can find a copy. Written by Ben Hamper, a former GM plant worker who later wrote for the Flint alternative paper and got a book deal due to his friendship with MM.

Well, I guess he finally found "his African American"

My friend's band opened for him at Blueberry Hill in 2004. That's probably the last time I saw him live. He was slowing down then, but still put on a great show.

Proudly voting Clinton. Internet troll be damned!

I do, and I reject this false equivalency. It's complete and total bullshit and while it's your right to peddle it it's our right to tell you how fucking stupid it is!

Who is voting for Trump AND Clinton?

Who would you cast as Casey?
I'm thinking Aubrey Plaza if they could white trashify her by 10%

Another trip to the box factory Seymour?

When the other side extended their buffet.

Yeah but the state will likely be providing him many dinners in prison

Were the Del Boca Vista episodes of "Seinfeld" testing the waters for a spinoff? They kind of felt that way to me.

Perot finished in 2nd place in 2 states in 1992
Bwhind GHW Bush in Utah and behind Clinton in Maine.

The last 6 words in this headline were unneeded.