
He told Thea that Robert shot the crew member a few seasons ago, when she went off to train with Malcolm and Oliver found her and convinced her to come home.

That's true. I usually find their reviews to be mostly balanced, but the comments are a garbage fire.

Wendy Mericle gets a lot of crap talked about her because she's *terrible* in interviews (she overplays things or straight out lies), but I almost always dig her episodes.

Dig said it earlier this season, too. I had to rewind to make sure because I couldn't believe David Ramsey would do that to my poor heart.

I'm so glad this review is positive! I watched the episode, loved it, then saw the IGN review which slammed it and I was so confused. Maybe it should have come earlier in the season, but it was a great mix of character drama and legit suspense. And having Oliver and Felicity have a real heart-to-heart earlier this

Over-reaching? While Oliver has been reverting to killing again, dating a sketchy reporter and morale spiralling, Felicity has been the only one to get anything done this season. She pushed for new team members, got the evidence to free Dig from jail, found Prometheus' mom, exposed Chase as a serial killer. Girl gets

Totally. He's gone from amusing to cringe-worthy and try hard.

I actually loved this episode (the hour really flies when it's not being bogged down by flashbacks, huh?) but I did trip up a little bit about Felicity's motivations too. When Dig mentioned she was in "mourning" I was seriously confused for a second. There are so many other reasons why she could feel compelled to

We're going to have to disagree on the "blatantly platonic" part. I remember my sister-in-law emailing me after her first episode in season one when he brings her the laptop and complaining that he has more chemistry with the lowly IT girl than Laurel.

Judging by the promo for the next episode I think that's where this is leading. Felicity dug a hole for herself by using Helix to expose Chase and now they are coming to collect their debt. I'm ok with them getting together (as long as they avoid the drama of the last half of season four) but I really hope she saves

The more I think about the Susan Williams plot, the more I wish they had made her just a regular journalist instead of his girlfriend. She would be so much more sympathetic and Oliver would look so less idiotic if she were just a good reporter who was looking into Oliver's background and managed to connect the dots

Yeah, but Felicity subsequently expressed disappointment for pushing Oliver so hard on that after Evelyn's betrayal. It's just so messy.

Yes to this, especially the Oliver part. I'm finding it really hard to like him this season because he's just so dumb. He wasn't always the sharpest tool in the shed but he was usually good strategically. This season he's a mess. None of his plans seem well-thought out (breaking Dig out of jail, going back to killing

Totally agree. Are people slutshaming Oliver? I've seen that with people saying Felicity moved on too quickly, but not him. The only criticism I've seen is that he shouldn't trust the reporter (though I wonder if he's playing her and not really interested).

I agree with most of this. I didn't have issues with her being emotional in S3 as others did (because big, emotional stuff was happening), and I think they did ok with the relationship in the first have of S4. But yeah, the new love interest this year seems to have nothing to do with her. It's more about angst and/or

I appreciate the clarification on your Felicity comments. I hate how they're writing her character the season - or actually, since the second half of last season. She used to be this kick ass female genius working in STEM, and now she's unemployed and her only purpose seems to be to nag the newbies (she seemed

Disagree with my opinion all you want, but there's no need to resort the personal attacks. I'm a grown ass married woman.

It was in the flashforward but I noticed how snippy it came across too in this context. Same with the start of Felicity's limo speech. They tried to soften it up in the extended scene but both flashforward felt shoehorned in.

I wish they'd stop the sudden retconning of Laurel and Oliver's relationship. Last episode it was her weird "you're the love of my life" speech (which made it retroactively seem like she'd been pining for him this entire time), and tonight there's suddenly scenes of her making out with Oliver and dreamily planning

Nope. They actually thought that Sara was going to stay dead; the decision to bring her back for the spinoff came quite a bit later. The only instance I can think of where the EPs/actor gave exit interviews for a fake death is Madeline Stowe on Revenge. I think Laurel is really dead and they just did a terrible