
I thought both episodes were pretty good tonight….Helmet was the better of the two…they got some of that New Girl groove back I think….
"I'm out."
"I'm out."
"I'm out."

By golly you're right! I like that idea…..but they should do the slow burn approach and not get together right away, mostly because they have their own shows…..visit each other, so some crossover eps or a scene or two here and there….flirt a little….that would be nice.

I agree with other post-ers……James and Supergirl have 0 chemistry…..why does every show have to have the girl trying to find romance? Be Supergirl and be your cool self!! Hang out with your sister and your boss!

Well said…if u go back and watch some of the s1 and s2 episodes, there's just a glaring drop in quality of story, acting and character since then. This show used to have more of a heart …there would be a moment or two in every episode that made u care, which i loved….they've lost that.

Agreed…it would have been funnier had Nick been her lawyer (because he will do anything for her), and everyone else be character witnesses for her, but yet have it all backfire on her because she IS a goofball, and have the restraining order stand. And Sam leaves.

I thought it was Clyde's too! But I don't know why…

Not a strong episode. Why does Jess always have to be chasing some guy? And now she's repeat chasing …
And Nick mumbled the whole episode.
But drunk CeCe was pretty good.

Agree on both.

Oh yeah…you're right…that was really skanky of him to try and do…ISH…..but then again…..I think Nick has always put Jess on a pedestal (unnecessarily because she's screwed up too)..He said he had fallen in love with her the minute she walked through the door, but at the same time, never really pursued her either.

Yeah but Jess's problem is her unrealistic expectations of love…it's always backfired on her…
Nick is the only one who has always kind of helped her see that in a good way…like that episode last year when Nick told her the guy's gotta show up and be there when u need him, otherwise it's not real….something like that.

I'd have to go with the writers ruining season 3. They made Nick and Jess the center of too many episodes. That's what ruined it. Their relationship could have been in the background while they still did zany shenanigans ….


Jess wears her glasses all the time now … and they have no lenses … and she's talked about wearing contacts before on other episodes so I think her glasses are supposed to be "real" but it just bothers me there's no lenses…I think I notice it because I wear both too. I gotta let this go before it ruins my life!

I don't know what's funnier to me - when Schmidt gags or when Nick screams like a girl.
Also I wish Aly was a cast regular…they should have had her as a temp roommate instead of Megan Fox…

No, they do not….for some reason this has always driven me crazy…other people on TV shows have lenses in their glasses….also, I think she had better glasses in the first and second seasons…..

Someone willing to joyously trim your nose hair = true love.

Did not watch tonite….might take a look tomorrow…just waiting for Jess to come back at this point. I too am a fan of Nick and Jess, so I'm glad to read that Nick and Reagan didn't do the deed.
Still think it's weird and gross they would rent out Jess's room while she's gone….."Oh yeah while you were gone this woman

Ugh….only saw about the last 10 minutes and thought it was horrible. I'm not sure why they thought they should bring in a roommate for a month (especially someone as off-putting as Megan Fox) when they could have just done shows with the four of them or had their parents visit or have us see some other tenants in the

Fun episode….now I have to decide if I will take a break from New Girl while Megan Fox is guesting…just don't have alot of interest in seeing that. Not sure why they just couldnt do episodes with the cast …

Hands down one of the worst movies ever made. My husband and I actually wasted money on it at the theater. I remember we almost walked out it was so bad. I am surprised Mark Walberg and Zooey Deschenal ever worked again. Or M. Night Shyamalan for that matter. Man, what a piece of crap this thing was.