
I am with you Boo Boo Kitty….I don't even think I want to watch those episodes quite honestly….

Yep, good point….

I think the supporting characters are the most fun on this show…was hoping for more from Big Schmidt and Robby…too bad Outside Dave wasnt at the party! But they always seem to have pretty funny side characters…
I always liked this show but feel like it might get majorly derailed when Megan Fox shows up….

HA!! Good one The Prisoner! I'm going to tell him that when I'm watching season 5….."you're not real….you're not real…"

Ha! Good one!


The season finale was great…but make sure Cece has more to do than just love Schmidt…she needs to be her own person…
Nick and Jess are destined but I think Jess shoyld be the one who pines for Nick a bit this time around….I call double wedding in a one hour series finale!

Loved this episode…Max Greenfield was so on point with his scene at the end with Hannah…almost had the tears in his eyes but not quite…so well played. BUT….Cece HAS to keep growing…finish college…go in with Nick and Schmidt at the bar…don't just "love Schmidt." Am I right people?"
Jess and Nick…loved it…sets them up

Oh god, then we should call her "Unwatchable"……How could anyone have read that script and thought "This movie is gonna be great!"….except when Betty Buckley crashed her head through the window….it was laugh out loud funny!

Never bite the adorkable hand that feeds you!

Well u know the Fawn/Schmidt thing will eventually end but it's too bad they can't keep her around as a recurring character…she gets better lines than the cast!

Unless something amazing happens, season 5 is bound to be the last…..

Not sure why they have to have 6 people on the show….having Coach on there was too many people in that loft….it was ridiculous….go back to the core group and leave it at that….have CeCe and Jess move in together across the hall to mix things up….Let the boys have some space….then Jess and Nick can get back together

I want an episode combining True American and RickyBall. And then, de-hance de-hance de-hance

I thought Jess's hair looked better during the walk home!

I have often thought the same thing…also why doesnt she ever have lenses in her glasses? Other people wear glasses on tv with lenses….

I will not clown for u today…or ever!

"Sweet city water."

So agree…she is terrible at accents…

Agreed! I don't get it either…and Jess ok that Nick and Cece would date? Like she can't remember her relationship with him at all (even though she did reference it, there was no feeling one way or the other conveyed)….It was like she was talking about just some other friend.
There have been some funny episodes this