Michael Williams

Assassin Creed has always been a cheaply made half ass game series. your in the wrong for expecting better. they never cared, they never really put effort into this game.

Combat is not challenging at all.

I am suprised no one talked about this.

the selfish reason of I want to live with my son again. It selfish yes but,complete understandable.

Holy than motherfucker who make religious zealots look like reasonable and calm people, but instead of hiding behind the bible they hide behind a Social issues. Note I am a liberal

the thing Miley could not fill a episode and I feel it that episode.

If anyone cares I will be playing through Mother 3. just started already kinda teary eyed.

That Space fight, Vokken, and Luka, And Red names oh my god. fucking awesome.

Honestly I felt the characterization made out to be a weak, overly emotional girl who just isn't cut out for being a Bounty hunter. and Adam's digusting and the fact she idolize this prick as someone to look up to over her alien parents. No I'm sorry but, I respect you I just can't respect that opinion. Oh, you finish

Other M destroyed her character don't sugarcoat it.

I fucking love this episode. Thomas you Magnificent bastard when are you going to write a book. Thomas was awesome.

Alright episode.

I get that but, all of the Eevee evos. it could have been one he could have put some else.

Yay Jotaro.

They wasted seven slots for eevees.

Or or we are reading way too much into it.

Also Marcey probably sees where Kim is coming with her daddy issues.

In fairness that was a Bitching Ax.

You know what I going to gather some friends together and play some Skullgirls

He wasn't that stupid. easily distracted and didn't think things through but, plant level is a bit much even for hyperbole.