Michael Williams

I don't think Rigby was worrying about we "don't hang anymore" I think he was worrying he was a going to burden Mordecai and relationship with CJ. rigby knows he a fuck up he doesn't want to be one but, he is. As much as he wants to bro out with mordecai he doesn't want that bro time to cost Mordecai. He doesn't want

I trying to play the Witcher on a mac… god help me.

Overall Nintendo E3 was the best lots of cool stuff this year and cool stuff on the horizon. Put stuff this year in the forefront and new stuff got attention. the treehouse was fun to watch. B+ to A-. Splatoon looks like a cute and interesting shooter.

I'm on the e3 murder report for sony I think it was implyed they need to talk about it. the Order is looking terrible. and both sides showed nothing but, concepts. I was asking they give me reason to buy it now. and they did not.

Entwined is just a indie game. they didn't even talk about drive club.

Sony… I hated this conference. Okay I understand you need too show third party but, I think need too show more of their games. not multiplats, cause at this their is one game too play the ps4 and I can think of three on the xbox one right now. Look people I hate microsoft right now they just did a little better. Also

GTA and LoU two games that least than 3years olds combined. they are old as dirt.

My ratings for this Microsoft C they didn't waste too much of my time and I was interested to by what they showed. but, they had filler and CG trailers(a big downside to me) and I can't think of one launch window that wasn't 2015 Holiday.
Edit: Also conker advert for project spark pissed me off

Damn you real life. Okay have fun with that.

Dude are you done with wonderful 101.

Totes buying Mario kart 8 I will own those plebs.

I love this episode. Thomas (the baby not the intern) is such a glorious asshole.

Simple question why should I buy your generic shooter?

What about madworld, Xenoblade, Paradora tower, I personally like Red steel 2.

Fucking Spoilers dude. think about what should and shouldn't spoil I was trying to keep it vague.

Oh their is so much awesome I don't want to spoil. I will say this there will be another mecha fight.

Dude did you see the ending Epic right.

The ending was narratively disgusting.

I going to be honest. I still don't see way people give a fuck.

Two things.
1) I said he did a good job.
2) never use the argument "I like to you do better" all it does is make you like a jackass.