Michael Williams

I will not fund this. Because, Broken Age was not very good. All of my Complains can found in this video by Super Bunnyhop.

Also Rusev the courageous babyface took a loss to check on his girlfriend…THE FUCK WWE.

You know it is going to suck when New Day become over saturated and suck. just like Mizdow. I hate dolph winning with the superkick mainly, because I hate him.

Crowe would have been better in the Attitude Era or more "Extreme" time. in the PG ERA(Firstly I think the PG when it not being stupid like now is better then Attitude Era.) were their is a lack of Extreme match or it is very watered down. So Crowe entire style and personaliy is watered-down.

Because "PC" Culture or Fake Asshole who claim to be PC in its attempt to be better then the Farnernities of drunk asshole, have become just insincere, insular, toxic, and putrid as them. The bully-hunter becoming the Bully. HE WHO FIGHTS MONSTERS MUST BE CAREFUL TO NOT BECOME ONE. PC Culture has become the Monster,

https://www.youtube.com/wat… this what South Park has been railing against. Honestly, PC culture has devolve into this Disgusting filth that has corrupted true PC, true SJW.

How many time have we said, X may have lost but, they looked good. it happened to Neville, Dolph(I don't like but, using him as a point), Luke Harper, the list goes on.

FDR a Templar that is bullshit.

He not even sell that much Merch His shirt is behind Cearso's

He is not on Vacation. he still working just something that needs his full attention.

Or maybe he really wanted Ceasro to get the belt. I don't know.

I am sorry that doesn't like Cena. Shawn Michaels or Hogan sure they prove they would that, but not Cena. I think and I don't know if I am give him too credit. the only compareble time he was half-hearted in a title would Miz vs Cena WM27 the only thing about that is the same is Cena was suppose to be off game in

All I am saying is ripoff is a word to be used sparingly. like sexist or racist you can just say that about something, you can easily destroy the meaning of it.

Even on top of that they are taking a idea they made and are pushing to the next level and comparisons Kibry Epic Yarn is something they did not avoid , so even if it was a different team it can be seen as more of a Homage.

… that is…. I can't even…WHAT??? Do you know how to use the word "rip-off"

All of those thing are not true. Cena is far more athletic then, Regin. Roman selling is just as bad. also Roman doesn't know how to tell a story unlike Cena. You know that is a important Storytelling, Selling is not necessary to great storytelling but, it helps. Case in point RVD if you ask me despite being a better

He not going on vacation. He shoot for a Fox reality show, and is probably going to Promote the wwe or something. His break from wrestling is barely a break from anything.

“What’s with you guys and making me pee outside?” This is great brick joke.

All Star Superman. The whole Adventures of Superman animated series.