simmering chickenshack

That is the one and only part of AC2 where you use a standing jump, which the game never teaches you. You have to get on the ledge below the beam, hold R and press A, or something like that.

28 Weak Burns Later

I don't like to save, it's more fun to spend.
If you like metal, you're my friend!

The truest pornophiles hold out for DVDA


The Trans-Atlantic Wire

"Please, call me Robert Townsgate Smasher III."

Alien From LA, one of my favorite episodes.

My favorite part of "The Shrimp Incident" is the thread about Larry being a wife-beater. The guy seeing Larry mock-hitting Cheryl is probably the hardest I ever laughed at Curb. That's some good Shakespearean irony.

Did you ever get to buy the castle? The whole game was luck, wasn't it? You just read the paper for tips and hope you min/max enough to keep going. I wasted so much time on such stupid games.

Super Tennis used 56 characters.

I'm making a lasagna for one.

"Last Kiss" is a classic rock song about a girl who dies in a car crash. Pearl Jam's cover got some airplay. The Cavaliers' 1964 cover, their only hit, is the well-known classic version:

I wish people would just use "Seven". The number title looks so stupid, it wasn't used for the DVDs or most of the posters, and in all pre-release material it's spelled the normal way.

So like "Last Kiss" meets The Fountain?

two-nunchaku Maxi was the shit, he even had a special moveset

For something like TMNT #1 you definitely want it graded and sealed. cgccomics.com

I happen to enjoy wearing women's panties.