simmering chickenshack

I did this (the first four films) with a bunch of people at the old Sorg Opera house a few Halloweens ago. It's a study in diminishing returns.

being three-dimensional is solid advice

I think it's sort of the same reason there's no white history month.

Deckbuilding sites like hearthpwn use overall cost as a criteria, you can find highly rated competitive budget decks which use all/mostly commons.

How much third person adventure does your wife play? SotC has a tricky control scheme that I can see being maddening if you also aren't familiar with procedural boss fights.

Not sure why I picked that one, his movies use a lot of the same themes and I think they're all pretty accessible.

Magnolia's not hard to get. It's about human connection and loneliness, and how people deal with it. Every characters' arc is wound around a personal relationship and their personalities are defined by their sense of connection to other people.

I saw him play at the Masonic Temple in Detroit. On a fair amount of mushrooms.

Wardrobe courtesy of TJ Maxx.

The SyFy era bits fare better when viewing the episodes sequentially. I'd never compare it to the Dr. F years but there's a pleasing sort of progression and escalation.

I thought that was the lyric forever but it's jeux sans frontieres

Late-era MST3k's dedication to the ridiculous framing story is appreciable. The more open format let them do all these goofy mini-arcs. Agent From H.A.R.M. has Mike on space trial and this great video deposition bit.

"I don't like being handed things."

You left out the funny bit where Pharrell says he can read music, and they put some sheet in front of him and he refuses to identify anything.

Admit you just want to see Frasier step on a rake.

I actually thought Todd Margaret was great. It was planned as two seasons from the start.

I had Sewer Shark (it came with the console) and Tomcat Alley, a horrible FMV fighter-plane shooter.

There was a whole glut of half-baked consoles I was never interested because the games got such shitty reviews (Thanks EGM!). But I did have a Sega CD, and I was playing the shit out of Dark Wizard in 1994. Awesome game.

Snap Attack's a very cool game for word wonks. I won about a dozen rounds over the weekend. I love the concept of scoring based on permutations.

The cruise ship is the best THPS level ever. Also the game that introduced me to Del the Funky Homosapien.