simmering chickenshack

Just take the night train to Mundo.

Sometimes funny but there just wasn't any dimension to it. I liked it for what it was, new kid-centric sketch comedy, but to me it seemed like a squeaky-clean, less interesting You Can't Do That On Television.

Wow, you caught me. I enjoy competitive games, and I enjoy studying them to improve the quality of my play.

They actually did remove DA at one point! But it's back. In pog form.

It's telling that your reaction to a good Scrabble player is "what an asshole" instead of "maybe I could learn something."

Chess novices can not possibly study established chess openings on their own, because they don't know what's established! They call established openings "playing in the book" for a reason.

You're simply wrong, and the huge sanctioned competitive community of Scrabble players begs to differ.

I don't get that at all. It's a game, so if you like it, you go outside your own limited ability to play it better. Learning the two-letter words is the first step towards being a decent Scrabble player.

They added QI and ZA awhile back which annoys me, because those are the 10-point tiles, dammit, and up to that point they were not used with any two-letter words. The X should be the magic two-letter tile. AX/EX/OX/XI/XU :|

Oh please, knowing the two-letter words is basic Scrabble. There aren't even that many. Do you get mad at people for using chess openings you've never seen?

Pretty sure "da" works in WWF, it's in most wordgames but it's been taken in and out of OSPD a couple times.

A few dozen? Try fucking thousands. Not even just the 2-letter words which any scrub can learn in a week. There's the most common bingos (and their anagrams), vowel dumps, words with NO vowels, Q-without-U words, obscure Q/Z/J/X words, "iterative" words where you can add one letter at a time

Santa Claus Conquers the Homophobes

I can find good in almost any music, but "All for Love" is total shit. It got way heavy rotation on MTV when The Three Musketeers was released.

I remember being tickled that "KMFDM will never stop" was a line on their (at the time) final album.

Did you notice "The Way I Am" uses anapestic tetrameter (Dr. Seuss's meter) through the whole song?

"Cover of the Rolling Stone" by Dr. Hook

You're right about the price. It's actually a really shitty rule but I like it from a QC perspective.

"Who Put the Bomp" is a clever little dig at doo-wop lyrics, all its famous nonsense words come from other popular songs of the time.

I liked Microsoft's rules for 360 games: developers can release one patch for free. But the next one costs $25,000.