Casey Scott

And the weird thing, that scene IS excellent!

Great episode! I never understood, though, why they dropped the Lindsay character when Pawnee eventually had to partner with Eagleton, instead replacing her with Kristen Bell.

Winners who never won immunity: Tina (Australia), Sandra (Pearl Islands), Yul (Cook Islands), Earl (Fiji), Todd (China), Natalie (Samoa), Sandra again (Heroes vs. Villains), Tony (Cagayan). Even last season's winner, Jeremy, only won immunity once vs. Spencer's three immunities. It's rarely about the immunity wins.

Winning challenges gets you immunity, which gets you farther in the game, which is definitely important, but there are a large number of winners who made it to the end WITHOUT immunities and their game play which helped them survive without is what won them the game.

Oh, it's largely a terrible one. I imagine he's being inspired by the recent success of THE WITCH more than he is a desire to remake this specific film. A large element of what made the film so effective was the time period in which it was made. It came out surrounded by similar Hammer-type period pieces, but this

Ha I love this because neither film is appropriate for a family. :D

And even that's questionable lol THE SHE BEAST is not a "good" film, per se.

He's like Uwe Boll in that way.

Bill Lustig's MANIAC COP is enough, I don't need Refn slapping his name on something like he did Andy Milligan's NIGHTBIRDS when that was released by BFI.

Yeah, exactly LOL

Correction: the little girl (Disney star-turned-Real Housewife Kim Richards) is shot in the chest, not the face.

So they're actively trying to kill "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" then?

Well, no. There have been three all-star seasons: All-Stars, Heroes vs. Villains, and Cambodia (Second Chance). Two of those are among the best of the entire series. And then there was the disappointing turd of All-Stars. The track record for all-star seasons is very good. Now, talking returning-player seasons (Fans

Wait, you don't think the Occupy Movement with its vague demands of…something…opposing Wall Street was a brilliant political idea?

This is when society permits you to get physical with someone. They hit you first. lol

I think that was even her first confessional and what a good intro to one of the ultimate legends of the game!

I miss when the show's "theme" was the location (Guatemala, Palau, Vanuatu, Samoa). A season sans theme might be a good reset button.

Ha I thought that too! And Joe must have been pissed that Sia apparently thought Keith deserved fan favorite over him and his legion of lady followers. LOL

Agreed with most of this! I don't consider Africa top tier, but certainly underrated. Agreed with your bottom three, though Fiji gets bonus points for the Four Horsemen storyline.

Does anyone remember the morning show on Marquesas? That kind of character-building, shooting-the-shit, non-game-related footage is what would have been essential here for Michele's narrative. But all the time we spent on Beauty was following Tai on his idol hunt, playing with Mark, or bromancing with Caleb. Those