Casey Scott

I honestly don't think it's that hard. The crew shoots for hours, practically everything. You're telling me there is no footage of Michele just having non-game-related conversations with her fellow players that wouldn't have fit into this narrative anywhere? No, let's cut to Mark the chicken again instead.

I think the years have been kind to Danni Boatwright's win, especially considering how she rose from the bottom to the top so cleverly. Which, naturally, feels like what Michele did as well. Aubry may have been on the bottom post-Neal's evac, but she gained control and kept control for a long time. In this scenario,

My Survivor buddy and I were live chatting during the episode and he said it would have been perfect if Scot pulled a Brenda and demanded that Tai kill and eat Mark in front of him to get his vote. LOL

Yeah, that was not cute. I cringed!

Tony is the best example of this, a winner who was pretty roundly disliked by the jury, but he was sitting next to Woo, for God's sake. As nice as Woo was and well-liked, Tony was the better game player. It's all about the jury and who's sitting there. Not every season's going to have the same outcome, obviously.

I dunno, Peter has been rumored to be coming back for season 34 and he was invisible in the reunion, too. I'd loooooove Cydney to come back! In fact, almost all of these players are ones I'd like to see again, even Jason and Scot. Just…no Joe.

Additional Lewd Question: shouldn't Scot's massive package have gotten a hashtag like Mark the Chicken? It was as much of a co-star this season.

BUT the hardest laugh I've had all day! Thanks for that! LMAO

I'd actually watch 90% of these players return again! The casting this season was stellar save for a few duds (Joe and Darnell, though the latter wasn't given a lot of opportunities to shine); even if you don't care for the winner, this collective cast was almost entirely in it to win it, which made it so much fun to

I'm hoping, like Cochran, Aubry can return and win.

Eh, no, I'd say she may be Colby Donaldson 2.0? I'm trying to remember other richly deserving runners-up and am coming up short. Maybe Cirie Fields 2.0, though not a runner-up?

Lunchtime poll: which reunion was worse? Drag Race or Survivor? lol

Truth, which is why they were both targeting her before she won immunity! If she was such a goat, she wouldn't have been considered a threat in the least.

That is an issue. On previous seasons, we'd have considerable camp time, social time, etc., you know, character-building sequences. With the constant hunt for hidden idols pre-merge, we didn't spend much time at all with Beauty tribe unless it was to peek on Tai and Caleb's bromance. If the social aspect is such a

Yeah but it's not always about who likes the finalists. Richard Hatch was famously disliked by most of the jury, but they voted for him because they recognized his game. It hasn't always been about who has friends on the jury, it's often about recognizing who played the best game. But each season is different, like

She really should have, I'll agree there… I was surprised she didn't.

I thought the same thing!

No, Aubry's biggest move was convincing Tai to not play his half of the super-idol at tribal council through master manipulation. Transformed the entire game from then on. It should have won her the season easily.

Worst reunion is still Marquesas, aka the Rosie O'Donnell Trainwreck, where absolutely nothing of interest was revealed. There have been at least nuggets and pockets of interest in practically every reunion since. This is trending near the bottom half of reunion rankings for me, though. LOL

This is unfortunately what happens when you have egomaniacal alpha males make it to the jury instead of voting them out earlier.