Casey Scott

That move with Tai should have clinched her the win alone. An astounding instance of persuasive speech and player manipulation up there with Cirie.

Well, Julia herself said that was a good move…for whatever reason. I thought for sure she'd go Aubry based on that, but guess I was wrong.

Or talk to Jennifer about the bug AND her epic tribal council exit. I'll keep saying it: the reunions were stronger when Bryant Gumbel was doing them.

I'm hoping Aubry can make a Cochran-esque return and actually WIN, but at this point she feels like the strongest second-place winner the show's had in some time.

The thing that I didn't get was that Jason and Scot are clearly competitive, and Aubry even mentioned this to Scot during the cross-examination. They should have honestly weighed who was a stronger competitor to them, and that was obviously Aubry. She held her own against both of them in challenges, so much so that

I think Cydney voted Michele because Aubry voted for Cydney at that tiebreaker tribal council. It's not the strongest reason, but the only one I could think of. She couldn't have been bitter about Aubry beating her at fire, right?

The all-time worst recruits were on Nicaragua, NaOnka and Purple Kelly. In fact, weren't most of those players recruits? Same with Fiji. The winner of Fiji, Earl, was a recruit who'd never seen the show.

I would actually guffaw so hard is Serena Cha Cha came back and lasted considerably longer than her time on season 5! Magnolia's hung up her drag for good, according to Instagram…?

LOVED the roaches! I wondered if it was a nod to Tracy Turnblad/John Waters?

Agreed! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Chi Chi's attitude during the New Wave group challenge was not the behavior of a Miss Congeniality. Cynthia basically never had a negative thing to say, which is what I want in my Miss Congeniality.

I would have enjoyed it more if she'd said "Shawn", who was sadly fired a few years back.

Except that's not what the Clone look is. Sigh…

Did they cost that much? They look completely shot on green-screen in an afternoon with a bunch of Scruff models anxious for exposure. Nasty Pig isn't breaking the bank. Their creative director probably earns more in his yearly salary that they spent on those commercials…and there's something wrong about that.

Is anyone going to Tweet to those models from the Nasty Pig commercials? Don't their egos already look well-stroked enough? lol

Groan, it's not about sacrificing her family relationships. It's about NERVE, you know, the N in Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent. It takes massive nerve to come out as a drag queen to your family. Kim Chi's not at that point yet. It's that simple.

Because someone had the bright idea to have the top 3 do individual performances, which is completely unnecessary, really. We've already seem them lip synch to GOOD songs, why would we want to see them perform to shitty Lucian Piane tunes? I also think the audience's constant applause and hooting is wildly

I TOTALLY miss the classic reunion format, where it's just the contestants and Ru and then the other judges briefly. It allows more time to speak to all of them, see more of their personalities than we saw on the show (for some of them), and gets to close the book on various conflicts going on during production.

Remember when Sharon claimed she would never do a drag character anyone would want to fuck? She's really gone the opposite direction, trying to look more feminine, glamorous, etc., but it isn't working. I don't know what she's thinking… Now, in hindsight, Chad Michaels probably should have won season 4 if it wasn't

Shoulda been Jujubee.