Casey Scott

I have to wonder how long it will be until we all realize that this season wasn't all thaaaaaaat great, but compared to season 7, we were gagging over it because we'd been deprived of a good season the year before. I see many talk about this being the best top 3 ever, and I may agree, but that's because there's almost

You may recall that one of the four things Ru is looking for in the winner of each season is NERVE. It takes NERVE to come out to your parents as a drag queen. Kim Chi hasn't reached that point yet, which is fine, in your own time, Kim, but that lack of nerve most certainly did impact whether she won or not.

Ha yeah there's also a reason why during Kim Chi's lip synch she basically just stood there and was surrounded by dancers. Is that the kind of drag performance you're going to want to attend? That's a no lol love the queen, but…no.

Ha you reminding me of the "truth" about Tasha coming out. I remember loving her because of the underdog edit on Cagayan, but then I soured on her on Cambodia because of her total lack of gameplay, and then hearing Jeff Varner and Kass turn on her after the show really made it interesting.

LMAO that was great, too! Shane's threatening to come kill her in her shitty apartment, and the part she's offended at is the fact that he says she has a shitty apartment. Easily one of the most bat shit insane players the show has ever had.

You're 100% right. Aubry has been actively pushing the game forward more than anyone. And yeah, no, Parvati's game is not overrated. She didn't make it to final 2 and win once by pure luck.

No, I actually think he was a non-entity because he gave boring confessionals and wasn't a major player in any decisions or blindsides, so definitely didn't have anything to say in talking head segments. I don't think the medevac had anything to do with it. But hey, at least he got more airtime than Rick Nelson, who

I never even thought about that until Funny115 pointed it out LMAO then it made the whole thing even funnier.

The most insufferable being his general distaste for strong women players, with a few exceptions. It only makes him look bad when those players become fan favorites and strengthen the franchise.

I think Fabio proved that a few seasons before too lol

Except for that awful and obviously scripted handshake psychout at the All-Stars FTC. Gag me lol

Ha, oh Shii Ann. "Stupid! Stupid players!"

Easily the most unintentionally-hilarious-but-supposed-to-be-moving moment in the show's history.

Oh dear Lord lol please go see RAIN and tell me again that Crawford was a zero as an actress.

Gable did several movies with Crawford, including four before IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT, so that can't be accurate.

Faye is actually writing a book about MOMMIE DEAREST, so she's coming around.

Oddly, that casting actually kinda makes sense because Hilary now resembles a young Faye Dunaway. It was casting based on looks, though, not talent, which was Faye's issue with it.

I'm sorry, but Kim Novak kinda brought that on herself. She didn't look like that at the TCM Film Festival and has gone on record as saying she felt like she had to get more facial work done for the Oscars, a more public appearance than a TCM event. The reaction to her appearance was in fact BECAUSE she was actively

And she always did it in a way that still somehow sounded professional most of the time. That's a pro!

Yes! That's why De Havilland is such a great casting choice. Plus she and Bette had been thick as thieves for years by then, so it was going to be virtually guaranteed harmony on the set.