Casey Scott

I miss it, too! Really underrated little show

I feel like we need more Vanessa time to further understand her character. If she has dreams, we need to know what those are so she's a fully fleshed-out character.

On MST3K, sometimes Tom Servo would play Martha in retort to Crow: "You laughed your ass off, George!"

Agreed. Everyone gave the best overall critiques to Detox & Katya's Shequel, so they should have been top 2, and Phi Phi and Roxxxy should have been bottom two. Simple. But noooooo

Uh, no, Berkeley gave a better performance than Phi Phi. Let's not go nuts here lol

She brought out a Southern accent for some reason at one point. WTF?

My thing is: how was Phi Phi top 2 this week? Like, how? Based on what? Her runway reveal was eh…very Derrick Barry last season. And her performance in the shequel was abominable. I feel like the show is throwing her a bone when it should have been Alaska and either Detox or Katya top 2 and Alyssa, Phi Phi, and Roxxxy

That would be EPIC!!

Just to clarify: the season on Netflix is NOT the first season. It's the fifth season. And it's only available on there till October 1

Yeah she was really kinda nasty in that interview, actually…

Disappointing to see this article, like so many others, continue the false claim that Noah Galvin said Haynes coming out on Tumblr was "pussy bullshit". He DID not say that about Haynes coming out on Tumblr, which by the way he never did. He was a coy tease on Tumblr before deleting that posted response to someone's

If only!!

I'd actually be more excited about Criterion FINALLY putting out his lost three films. When Lincoln Center did their Waters retrospective, I was never able to get tickets (they were free screenings, but limited ticket availability, despite multiple showings over the course of several days). You had to wait in line

Waaaaaay too much music to clear! MULTIPLE MANIACS has, I think, four songs that would need licensing (Elvis Presley's "Just Because", the opening credits music which I think is Jody Reynolds?, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", and Kate Smith's "God Bless America") which is more financially reasonable. I was

Shout.TV kinda sounds like the Z Channel, another early TV oddity that simply wouldn't fly in today's cable television environment.

And unfortunately exclusively Universal stuff, which leaves out a ton of great possibilities from AIP, Allied Artists, New World, Dimension, and various Euro and Japanese horrors.

Yes, love Joan McCracken! Such a shame she didn't do more films.

The 1947 version has some of the most thrilling musical numbers in any MGM musical. There's a grand sense of energy throughout the entire movie, I think mostly thanks to director Charles Walters.

As an adult film researcher, I've been frantically trying to figure out his adult film alias(es) to see if I own any of his loops. This would be a fascinating turn of events if someone from, say, Falcon loops turned out to be a cult leader!

Brilliant! Now I need to somehow print this out in booklet form on glossy paper so I can fit it into my "Cop Rock" DVD set. Excellent job doing considerably more grunt work compiling a complete history of this show than Shout! Factory did for the DVD release!