
Yeah, that's a fair point. Watching the fan responses to each season when they first aired was pretty interesting in retrospect, because there'd usually be a few points where people would get excited that the show was going to deal with [Topic], only for that to never actually happen.

I feel like that could have worked better as a way to set up a strong bond between them before they got to the romance stage. They wouldn't need to actually jump into the romance part in Winter Soldier, just use it to build up their dynamic.

Filming finished last year, so it'd probably be too expensive to drop it at this point. (I'm guessing they're already well into the SFX work by now.)

Scenes being cut out seems like a possibility. Thor 2 originally had a love triangle subplot that got cut, but there's still remnants of it in the final film.

Dion, on "The Wanderer":

Todd still posts to Channel Awesome, and I think that Lindsay left for other reasons. Her (and Kyle's) leaving just weirdly coincided with Lupa and Phelous getting dropped.

Yeah, pretty much. If I remember correctly, the filmmakers have joked that they were a lot more like Sid than Andy when they were growing up (in terms of taking toys apart and stuff).

Doesn't she have purple skin in that movie?

I watched it the other day, and the UK version of "Jail Break" leaves the Ruby/ Sapphire stuff completely intact. (There's a couple of brief edits to people getting hit in the face though) Makes me wonder if there was something specific they didn't like about the Rose/ Pearl scene. UK Cartoon Network has been heavily

Ward stopped being the showrunner around the middle of season 5, I think, so I don't know how involved he is with those kinds of decisions. He carried on writing for the show, but I think he's taken a break from it to work on the Adventure Time movie, so I don't know how much input he's had on the recent episodes.

Ah, yeah. Personally I like Marceline (for the most part), but I can see where you're coming from.

Yeah, that's true. Though, I got the impression (from "What was Missing") that there were some other issues in there (Marceline keeps accusing PB of judging her and expecting her to be perfect. And PB seemed annoyed to see her in "Go With Me".)

Funnily enough, the series pitch bible refers to them as "friendly rivals" who have to blow off "sibling style steam" with competitions. Of course, a lot of things change between the pitch and the actual show, but its still pretty interesting to see how its changed from its original conception.

What do you dislike about Marceline/ her role in the show?

The official video for the opening theme shows at least one other party member- a guy with a paintbrush. And the official twitter said that there's multiple party members beyond the four we've seen, so there's going to be at least 6.

Didn't The Collector (and one of his assistants) appear at the end of Thor 2?

In this movie they've conveniently decided to live in the arctic for the first half of the 20th century. Which neatly avoids having them become Nazis whilst kind of implying that yeah, they probably would have been Nazis.

I think the longer version has an introduction addressing why there's two versions- basically, the publisher thought the original novel was too long and asked him to cut it down, which he did. Then a few years later, a publisher arranged to have a special edition put out, and Gaiman requested that they use the

Yeah, it's really, really easy to miss. Like, it's something you hear some background characters talking about when the actual important characters are walking down the street. Plus it happens really early in the film, so even people who catch it probably forget about it the first time.

From what I remember, a lot of the book was different to the movie. The stuff with the missing prince/ scarecrow was more prominent in the book (in the movie there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to a prince, which makes his appearance at the end seem more random if you didn't hear it).