
At his deposition he claimed he couldn't read the lease (which he had never read before, of course) because he'd forgotten his glasses. But he doesn't really seem to wear his glasses for stuff like signing documents either.

I'd say Loki does pretty well, though he's had the advantage of multiple movies, including one where he's not the main villain. I thought the villains in GOTG2 and Homecoming were an improvement over some of the past villains in Marvel's movies too.

I think it was not so much the cheating itself that she was calling unfeminist, but other aspects of his behaviour, some of which tied into the cheating. One thing she specifically mentions is this:

Oh man, I only recently got into Polygon's video content through Touch the Skyrim. I had no idea that stuff about Nick came out over the weekend.

Yeah, I don't blame DiMartino for not including him- it'd be a weird thing to drop in at the start of the comic. One day I would like to know if Zuko ever gets to visit him in the spirit world though.

They don't.

I think it's just cause the actress was pregnant in real life, and it was the easiest way to deal with it without postponing the second season altogether.

I replayed them fairly recently (as well as the original Crash games), and I think they'd hold up pretty well. There's some stuff that probably needs some polishing- the additional characters in Year of the Dragon are more awkward to control than Spyro, the first game could probably do with a 'hover' ability, some of

I'm a little confused about whether he's only mad about the song's use in the advert. Because the song's also present in the game itself, and the game obviously has way more violence than the ad. I'm guessing they would have had separate licenses?

They recently announced that they're finished with the Avatar: The Last Airbender comics, so that should free them to do other stuff too.

Yeah, one of the things that drew me in at the start of the manga was the way it felt like Light was always at risk of being caught- he always had to fit his crimes around his normal life, and eventually, while under near-constant observation.

Yeah, and I think you could argue that seeing their kid really get into a particular book/ series can be useful for parents in gauging what other books they might like/ feel confident enough to read.

Yep. And a few of the villains in Black Flag were slave-owners too, if I remember correctly.

Yeah, she has cornrows in a different shot to the watermelon part.

Does The Legend of Wonder Woman tell a complete story? I've been thinking of reading it, but was worried it ends abruptly because of the cancellation.

Yeah, I read Young Avengers recently (both the original run and the 2013 one).* Hulkling and Wiccan were already a couple in the first volume, but it otherwise didn't have as many LGB characters as the later one. I'm guessing a lot of Marvel's gay characters have been introduced via team books like X-Men and Young

I'm not very familiar with Marvel comics on the whole, so I'm pretty surprised to hear they haven't had gay-led solo series until this year. I'm guessing they've had limited series before this?

They're full games, though they definitely feel 'smaller' in some respects. Revelations especially feels shorter than normal. (Though I'd argue it's the most cohesive story.) The big difference is that where 2 is set across several cities/ towns, Brotherhood is (mostly) within Rome and Revelations is (mostly) within

I wondered what specific aspect they took issue with, so I found the full thing they wrote: