Scott Morris

It's not even the weekend yet. 15 million for a Wednesday isn't bad

I really don't think there's a single self-consciously-cool person in the world who listens to any power metal. Astronoid just sounds similarly mechanistic and hyperactive, but with emo vocals instead of ones suited for a Power Rangers theme

So Astronoid is basically hipster DragonForce

"Mmm, 64 slices of American cheese"

Am I the only person who finds this guy's too-clever lyrics hacky? Every song I've heard is like a college sophomore sitting you down so he can crack an egg of knowledge all over you about how the world works, but don't worry, it's smarmy and self-aware and insincere so you can just feel smug and superior instead of

Well, its it's exactly a tough bar to clear…the Karloff Mummy is probably the lamest of the Universal Monsters films.

I disagree that it didn't go over as she wanted, she's clearly trolling, she expected this. At least, I can't fathom that Schumer would be unselfaware enough NOT to know what the reaction to this would be.

McGregor was easily one of the very best things in the prequels (along with Palpatine), I'd be down.

It's a strange feeling, knowing that most of the music you listen to, period, is listened to by most with irony or detached superiority.

Rob Zombie's number one problem as a filmmaker is writing. His dialogue veers wildly between the extremely quotable and the extremely embarrassing, his grasp of narrative structure is weak, his character arcs rarely satisfying if they exist at all. And he doesn't seem to collaborate. If he had someone more polished to

Rob Zombie remaking Tobe Hooper would be one of those "so obvious it's absurd" moves. Half his filmography is riffing on the tone/vibe/themes of Texas Chainsaw 1&2, Eaten Alive, etc.

They must have some personal bad blood. I dunno, I've always felt that the problem with Halloween '07 is that Zombie wasn't allowed to go all the way and do what he wanted with it. If you accept that Zombie's doing his own thing, the movie isn't exactly good, but it doesn't become a garbage fire until the second half

Is Gene Simmons an extreme conservative so much as just an asshole?

I find the idea of Frank Ocean being a better and more worthy artist than Blink-182 extremely offensive and will be suing immediately.
At least Blink can write a chorus.

I think "The Outsider" is largely autobiographical, and could be applied to anyone who feels alone or ostracized, but that anecdote is a great example of the dangers of assuming an author's output has a single unfortunate through-line even when it is demonstrably untrue.

The important thing to note about Lovecraft, I think, is that while racism, classism, and xenophobia clearly influenced his ideas and writings, you seldom detect these unfortunate elements in the untold number of works influenced by him, which suggests to me that, while he was in-part driven by these things, it's not

I'll be honest, I think this might be the weakest thing Zombie's ever put out. Not bad—the formulaic nature of his music inoculates him against releasing anything truly awful—but Electric Warlock Acid Witch is probably his most familiar release yet. I thought Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor was a return to form, in a

It's not exceptional Blink, but serviceable enough. I feel like Blink needed Tom to give their music a weird, spacey edge (just listen to his bizarre contributions to "Dogs Eating Dogs" for an example of that), and he needed them to keep him from tipping into insanity and making awful musical decisions (that latest

It'd be harder to lop off the Greyjoy storyline, as it's been developed much more in the show. Developed sloppily, sure, but still developed. Besides, I suspect Euron will end up too important not to include, unlike much of Dorne, which, frankly, looks in the books to be lagging behind in terms of "this will end up

If the burning happens in the books it'll almost-certainly be Melisandre and/or Selyse's doing, they're at the Wall and Stannis is laying "siege" to Winterfell. And Davos won't have been there to stop them (yes I know he left before in the show but I don't think he'd have gone without ensuring Shireen's safety, as he