Scott Morris

It's the absolute worst kind of character arc cul-de-sac. I hope maybe they'll send him to Riverrun anyway and he'll do what he does in the book, but then it'll be yet another example of Thrones making Jaime do something stupid and out of character when Cersei's around. Though, to season 6's credit, not the worst

The difference is that the show has spent the last few season growing Jaime out of where he was in season 1. He wasn't that guy in the bath with Brienne. He wasn't that guy interacting with Cersei and Tywin in season 4—baffling, swept-under-the-rug rape scene aside. He wasn't even that guy in season 5. Reverting him

The difference is that the show has spent the last few season growing Jaime out of where he was in season 1. He wasn't that guy in the bath with Brienne. He wasn't that guy interacting with Cersei and Tywin in season 4—baffling, swept-under-the-rug rape scene aside. He wasn't even that guy in season 5. Reverting him

This episode was lame. At least this season is doing us the courtesy of sucking at the beginning, maybe it'll improve by the end. The only great parts were in the North and at the Wall. Everything else was spinning wheels or being actively terrible, and the writing is noticeably less electric without the GRRM

This monstrosity is gonna need to cross a billion bucks globally for the studio to be remotely-satisfied with its take. Reports have it costing upwards of 350 mil with all the expenses included, so you can figure 800'll be what it takes to break even, and a billion to look good optically (because there's really no

Best Weezer since Maladroit—maybe even Pinkerton. EWBAITE is alright, but it has a lot of filler, and even if the self-aware songs are good, they're still a palate cleanser more than a step forward. But White Album? Tight, effervescent pop, a breezy paean to summer love, simply wonderful.

Oh, man, Ace Frehley's is one of the best hard rock records of the 70s. It's great precisely BECAUSE it sounds like a preternaturally talented 17 year old with amateur lyrics and an undeveloped voice is singing his stupid-ass songs he wrote on the back of his binder. And honestly, I like most the songs on it better

I am sure the writers for this site do not like KoRn. Having to remind us of that in almost every sentence of an entry KoRn is the subject of is transparently compensating for even daring to mention them. "Oh, sorry, AV Club readers, that we reminded you of this band for dumb people, let us give you many hearty

I yearn for the day when we can praise any one aspect of a band like KoRn without feeling the need to qualify said praise with endless assurances that no, we totally don't actually like them at all.