
Meanwhile in real life, Saudi Arabia has been elected to the UN women’s rights commission.

Why the hell would she be asked? She's politically toxic, and becoming more so every week. There's absolutely zero benefit to having her as a running mate.

Yeah. It's just becoming really dark. I mean, the first seasons had subjects like visiting a frozen yogurt stop or singing a funny song at a charity dinner. And Selina was genuinely horrified when she found out that a Marine lost his leg during the rescue of the hostages in Uzbekistan. Now we have her supporting a

Another reference to his veterinary degree.

I'm tired of it. Jonah is like Trump; despite very obviously being a totally incompetent asshole, he inexplicably keeps succeeding. I don't enjoy watching this anymore. Veep has always featured horrible people, but they always ended up foiled, humiliated, crushed. Before season 5, Jonah was constantly humiliated too.

Who the hell invited Omarosa? Is it because Carson was busy and the Trump administration doesn't have any other black people?

Indeed. Montez nominates a former president from the other party for the Supreme Court. Just try to imagine a Republican president nominating Obama.

One way the Veep universe is very different from the real Washington is partisanship. Doyle gave the Presidency to Montez, who is from the other party. Montez nominated a Supreme Court justice from the other party. Both are unthinkable in today's world. Just try to imagine a Republican president nominating Obama for

In the last election in Georgia (2016) the governing party increased its majority. But it was described as free and fair by observers.

And Andrew's genes, don't forget that.

Do they really want another sociopath in the family? Marjorie already said that she's worried about the genes Selina passes on and Andrew is even worse.

In the 2000s, she was insanely anti-Israel, calling it a Nazi state, and dressing up as Hitler for a photo spread, where she took a tray of burned “Jew cookies” from the oven (really).

I'm pretty sure that Marine Le Pen is at the very least capable of thinking coherently and intelligibly.

A defeat in a primary is different from a defeat in a general election. Nobody came back from that since Nixon.

I wonder if the actor left his shirt on to make it even more awkward.

When he became a congressman in season 5, I didn't like it. I thought someone who says as much stupid shit as he does would never be elected to public office.

Hannity worships the Pussygrabber but offended by college kids at spring break.

" Sean Penn can beat Madonna and go on to have an illustrious career,"

I'm not talking about winning Best Picture. I'm talking about winning the most Oscars in history. Don't you think that'd be a bit much?

Does the Academy really want to make La La Land the film with the most Oscar wins ever?