
Heh, Roger Ebert predicted this in his review.

Really? I thought someone as nice and naive as him would be shocked by such a realization. But he totally took it in stride.

They said he'll be secretary of state in the Montez administration. He may not need to stand for election, but he still has to explain what he did to the public. Can you imagine that in today's environment?

Is it really believable that Doyle could just throw the election to the other party and not get crucified by the voters? Partisanship in Washington today is so severe that such a politician would be seen as a traitor. How could he explain himself to the public? He only has petty, personal reasons. Tom James is

"I hope the writers have the sense to believe that Arya's descent into darkness and sadism is not a particularly healthy or admirable thing."

I don't think the grade matches the text. B+ should be pretty good, but this is basically nothing but criticism.

They made a website for it (https://www.kissingyoursist… which shows that it'll be screened on various film festivals. I don't know if that counts.

It's annoying that the Emmys only nominate JLD, Tony Hale and Anna Chlumsky. The rest of the cast gives just as good performances.

But the film shows (not exactly shows, but it's obvious) Selina and Tom James having sex. It'll be released like that in-universe? That'd be a really big deal. Wouldn't Selina demand that part to be cut?

"All of my grandparents are dead. Wait, one or two might still be alive."

"He knows I don't keep my promises."

That made absolutely zero sense to me. I know, they were going for unexpected, but this isn't unexpected, it's unbelievable.

Reading those reviews and comments, I feel like I'm watching a different show than everyone else. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that this season is weaker than the others. Almost the only one, but not quite.

I've read a plausible punchline on the Internet: "No need for those sir, we have enough sweet ass right here!"

But we know that she didn't - she clapped after Jonah chewed out Teddy. Why can't Jonah's team bring her out to debunk this scandal?

For me, he's just too cringey to be funny. I know, cringe is a key element in Veep, but he's just too much.

For him it's like seeing your parents doing it.

I suspected that Will might secretly enjoy Furlong's abuse back in season 2 episode "Signals". Furlong says that "we have all the time in the world" is just a metaphor, and Will corrects him. Furlong says: "You know, you're about as annoying as a condom filled with fire ants. How's that for a fucking metaphor?" And

"Jonah! Watch your language!"

Honestly, I find it a bit hard do imagine that Kent said it. Does he ever swear?