
He did say in the last episode "It's all pieces now, fragments.
I need to learn to see better." So maybe he doesn't know yet.

"Dad never liked him…"

I think Ryan was stung by a radioactive jellyfish.

The flashbacks were a total waste. They could've shown that Selina used to have values and ideals, but she was gradually corrupted by politics. Instead, they show her as a monster from the start.

Plus we just had a pregnancy storyline with Catherine.

"Ben said it himself, he would rather bet on a Selina comeback than work for Jonah. "

So, Selina hated Catherine as a newborn and hates Catherine's newborn too. They are really devoted to turning her into an absolute monster, aren't they?

Minna repeatedly insisted that it's not "freeing Tibet".

Oh, yeah. “I think I have made a lot of sacrifices, I’ve worked very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures… I’ve had tremendous success.”

“I have the best words” . The time Trump bragged about his vocabulary, and failed to use the world "vocabulary". That's like bragging about how modest you are (which is of course something he also did).

The world of Veep is more rational than the real world. Voters quickly get tired of having a deranged goon for a Congressman.

And Selina wasn't always this cruel. She was always a terrible person, but she became cartoonishly sociopathic now. For instance she used to neglect Catherine, but now she's actively and pointlessly mean to her. It's not funny anymore.

Nice to see Jonah finally fail not upwards.

Mike said that, not Gary.

Yeah, it's more of a "crime".

He could shoot a Trump voter and still would only lose that one.

Born in California, raised in Philadelphia, went to college in Jersey (according to Wikipedia).

"When you make a mistake, you have to own up to it,” Gianforte said. “That’s the Montana way.”

Despite being born into wealth, he embodies the worst stereotypes about the nouveau riche.

"All who she "is" is gone: her family money, her political career…"