Mr. Man

Steve Bannon is what happens when edgelords turn the world into their mother's basement.

All photos of Steve Bannon turn out as mugshots.

Donald returning could make it closer to the Barks originals because he and Scrooge were both co-leads in the original stories. But the other changes could cancel that out, so…. yeah, you're right.

I'm glad to see Donald in these. He was such a major part of the Barks originals. Although he does make Launchpad somewhat redundant.

I did a project at work recently where I mocked up an old software platform we're moving from as an Atari 2600 game, and the new platform as an Xbox One game.

Batman didn't start winning that competition until the passing Theodore Roosevelt.

1. Why, God, why?

His voice-alike in the W&G adventure game was pretty good. I think he's taken over the role for all future stuff.

Yo, White Knight. What's up with you and Black Knight having protection from each other's colors? This means the two of you can't actually fight each other, which seems pretty lame for who I presume to be two archenemies.

I only hope I have half as much stamina when I'm age 70 with Parkinson's, seizure disorder, a TBI, and whatever other fatal diseases the Internet Doctors have decided Hillary has.

He was sniffling quite a bit, so my guess is he had a dose of Benadryl beforehand. I'd hate to debate with that stuff in my system.

That first video is giving me some serious Dianetics vibes.

The entire cast of that series was spot-on.

I'd pay real money for Warburton Tick to make a cameo appearance in the series. Totally unexplained of course.

Since the rest of the series presumably hasn't been filmed, I wonder if they'll see the online reaction to the Tick potentially being imaginary and change course if they do pick it up?

You want a demonstration? I've got a straw right here!

The original comics had *so* much going on, and I'm heartbroken that Edlund didn't follow through on them. All those background hints about the evil meteor that had seized power in Canada, monitoring vans, etc.

The only person other than Patrick Warburton (who probably had a reason to not appear) who I can think of filling the suit properly is Rob Riggle, and I'm not sure he'd be able to get the mannerisms or acting down like Peter did.

Empty is good for the Tick. He doesn't converse so much as declare, like he doesn't realize his brain has a choice over whether or not his mouth is running.

The Tick comics could be pretty gritty at times. An early issue had him dealing with the consequences of someone he was supposed to be protecting getting stabbed and having an immediate existential crisis about being a superhero.