Mr. Man

Carl's Jr, for certain. Mainly because they released a line of The Tick happy meal toys or somesuch back in the heyday of the cartoon.

The British perception of American accents already sounds pretty close to how the Tick should sound, so it works out okay.

My head canon was that Mega Man eventually did kill Dr. Wily and was rebuilt and reprogrammed in response to this violation of Asimov's First Law and then became X.

When I worked at a video store, I kept my VHS recordings of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast on loop in the VCR every time I worked. In retrospect, I probably should have been featuring recent movies you could I dunno, rent from us, but I didn't care.

Joel felt like somebody who grew up on bad movies and loved them for their warts and awfulness. Mike (and Rifftrax) moved to a much more mocking tone. Although the venom towards Sandy Frank in Joel's run on MST3K does undermine that belief a bit…

I was raised in a sufficiently geeky household that I grew up on Star Trek.

Well, I know that in a general sense, but I grew up in the 80's when bad was good. As far as I know, it's a self-referential ironic … thing.

Is "tits" good or bad?

Might be donations from somebody trying to spread the Rand gospel. When I worked in a library, we'd periodically receive boxes full of the complete published works of L. Ron Hubbard as well as documentary DVDs direct from the church of Scientology. I'd throw all the discs away and reuse the cases for real movies.

Other than the really clumsy attempts at tying into the Infinity Stone story arc, Thor didn't even need to be in this movie. While I'm glad they've managed to get a pretty reasonable Thor into these movies, he hasn't really served a purpose in Avengers other than Loki's brother and metaplotsplainer. Tony, Bruce,

It's fun and acceptable. You can tell there's a better movie that got lost somewhere in the editing room, but you won't regret the time spent watching it.

I now have a mental image of Barry and Eobard having a high speed battle spinning around Eddie as Barry tries to give him an impromptu snipping and Eobard is desperately trying to stop him.

I refuse to believe anybody can work with Cisco on a daily basis and not found out against their own will what a singularity is. At the very least, he's bound to have complained about the science in Gravity to her at least once.

Stein didn't seem too up on his particle physics either, he inconsistently referred to the particle that would be accelerated as a "hydrogen proton" or "hydrogen particle." I'm pretty sure he meant "hydrogen nucleus" or just plain proton.

The easiest explanation is that Legolas is a long lost Mario Brother. I mean, I was doing *exactly* this while trying to get to Bowser in Super Mario 3D Land yesterday.

I will forever hate Prometheus for dissuading Guillermo Del Toro from doing his adaptation of At The Mountains of Madness. http://www.ew.com/article/2…

Fun? But what I want from escapist superhero movies is to leave with a deep sense of ennui, and an appreciation for how much it must suck to be gifted with superpowers.