Jack Burton

The entire sequence seemed to be cause-and-effect - each action led to the next action, starting with the atomic blast and expanding from there. And in the scene immediately after the Laura-orb sails towards earth, we see the egg hatching, which is what I think lends validity to the theory. Although, I also think the

Michael J. Anderson's Disqus account identified

It should have been an 8-part HBO miniseries with a number of different directors. Snyder produces great visuals but his pacing is atrocious and he can't tell a story for shit.

It may sound far-fetched, but if anyone would sink to that level of sleaze, it's Sony. Fake movie reviewer "David Manning", threatening to sue Bill Murray for some spurious reason if he refused to make a cameo in GB2016, their mastery of the art of getting a press release for their film printed as a Buzzfeed-esque

Haha, you fell for Sony's "fight these awful hate groups by watching Ghostbusters (2016)!" bamboozle, which was an updated version of their "order The Interview (2014) OnDemand or North Korea wins!" razzamatazz.

If you hear a voiceover in Bladerunner, you're watching the wrong version.

Musical theater has become one big garbage barge.

Yes, but I mean it in the most general terms: a fun adventure withe likeable, memorable characters and quality setpieces. I don't think it would be too hard to come up with a movie like that, but I do understand that it would be hard to actually get that movie made in modern Hollywood, where there's an unwillingness

You're spot on here. 2016's glorious summer popcorn flick was "Stranger Things".

People want a new movie *like* Ghostbusters - in the vein of Ghostbusters - not a new Ghostbusters movie. I mean, name an iconic original (for film) character from the last 10-15 years… Shaun from Shaun of the Dead? Jason Bourne? Neo? Shit, Bourne and Neo are from almost 20 years ago. This generation has no Indiana

People seem to forget how much filler was crammed into Season 4. Everything with Lithgow is gold, but the pointless busywork given to the side characters is insufferable. Seasons 1 & 2 largely avoid this by actually having 10 episodes' worth of story to tell, which ultimately makes them the better seasons overall,

I LOVE Crusade, but where the film really stumbles is the entire Venice sequence. The tank scene is brilliant by comparison. There's so many sloppy and perplexing moments in Venice that I'd swear George Lucas wrote and directed this part all by himself.

I'm glad that this is PG-13. This way, the whole family can enjoy it. It's a good sign for a movie like this!

That scepter would have been crushed flat.

Turn off "I Am Legend" right after *that* dog scene and you've got a good - albeit hopelessly grim - movie about one man's struggle against inevitability. Seriously, fuck Act III.

"Even the police in the movie act more like a hostile gang than any recognizable force of law and order. "

I wonder if I'll still be asking "why the fuck am I still watching this?" all the way into season 2?

I'll concede that it may have taken some creativity to translate those nonsense scripts into the visual medium, but I don't think that's a good thing.

>>Which cable dramas can count the first season as their best?<<

A heavily-edited Dexter ran on CBS during the writer's strike, though it only lasted one season before they returned to their typical high-quality programming.