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    Fair enough, but outside of The Red Pill, I doubt those people exist in large enough numbers to be worth mentioning. You're not going to find many comments here outright declaring that their opinion is worthy based on their gender. And you can't go around prescribing motives to people you just happen to disagree with.

    "Mansplainers" is defined as "a man who presents any disagreement, of any sort, with a feminist viewpoint". So no, "they're" not doing anything, since it's a made-up word that refers to nothing substantial. If you're using it for something more specific and appropriate, I apologize. But at this point, in general

    *prepares cowsationaling BINGO card* Because I like making up words too in order to dismiss other people's thoughts without consideration!

    And that's two down for me. Keep going, you're going to make me rich!

    How about being neither?

    I originally saw it as gold and a light, periwinkle blue. It took about 10 minutes to make the switch, which I did after covering up everything with my hands but some of the gold/black portion and forcing myself to see it as black.

    Great. Thanks for responding to my request that for once, we tackle a sensitive subject with thoughtfulness and recognize nuance rather than make grand declarative generalizations, by going ahead and refusing to recognize nuance in favor of making grand declarative generalizations. You sure are good at solving the

    That doesn't address the question of whether those details are relevant in the first place.

    No, it's Valentine's Day. Try to keep up.

    The test has some value when it looks at broad spectrums of film, but I dislike how, while Hollywood movies largely fail Bechdel as a whole, nobody is willing to examine *why* they fail, or if it's possible there's a reason for their failure beyond institutional sexism. Is it possible that certain genres (war films,

    Along with "how does nobody recognize that Clark Kent is Superman?", one comic book question I've never gotten a satisfying answer to is "how does Spiderman see through his costume when there aren't any eyeholes?" Even if the costume is some mesh webbing material that's partially transparent when it's right against

    Agreed. Rocky 3 and 4 are goofy fun, but none of the sequels should ever have been made. The point of the original is NOT that Rocky was ever a genuine undiscovered boxing great who just needed his moment to shine. It's that he was a regular guy who got one big chance and made the most of it, fulfilling his dream of

    I recognize that any one of, say, 25 Simpsons episodes could arguably make the list, but I'd be thrilled if the one they chose is Last Exit to Springfield. In my mind, it was the show's peak of absurdist humor, Homer being lovably dopey, and quotable quotes.

    Anytime an argument ends with "Well I just can't explain it to you", that person has lost.

    So clearly Fargo is in the top 10.

    Good points. I think there are a couple big problems with how our system of justice handles rape.

    And yet, if we assume a rape accusation is true, that is effectively the same as assuming the accused rapist is guilty. Assuming "guilty until proven innocent" instead of the other way around.

    So, to sum up:

    I did before, and I just did again. Apparently you did not.

    My problem with the Bechdel test isn't that it's worthless, but that's it is too often misused. Heck, even in the comic strip that originated the test, the character specifically states that she will *only* go to a movie if it satisfies the rules. And all too often, I see people using the test this way, judging