nominal name

This is exactly why he earned my upvote.

Don't you realize that The Funk Is Its OWN Reward?

I heard she did a special about nothing.

Plus, sometimes they trade their bits behind the scenes.

Yeah, I got the idea that the "consensus" didn't nail her for the joke-thief thing (which is starting to bug me, now that I'm looking at it more closely), but because Kurt Metzger didn't apologize for being at least sort of right.

You ain't haveta wash nuthin'!

When you put it like that, it just sounds beautiful.

Look to the cookie, Donny Don't.

Who ARE these "millennials"?

Not a bad idea.

I'll give that a look.

I'd heard, but I wasn't sure if that turned out to be true.

Sweet. I saw a lot of familiar faces at Avocado.

What's On Tonight is on Disqus. Cali Cheese is one of the mods.

Is she "problematic" right now, or not?

Avocado, WoT, that Nathan Rabin site?

Are you going to any the popular refugee destinations?

I won't be able to bring myself to look tomorrow.

Elect me by writing in a random non-candidate.

Six fingers…are you Hannibal Lecter?