nominal name


That's funny. I think that coke would make me crazy, in an unpleasant way, like "what do I do with myself".

The Kinja of festivals, as it were?

I can relate to that. When I was 17, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out on the same day. I had a straight-edge-ish philosophy of life at the time. "Don't filter reality, experience it in all its gnarly, horrible glory."
They needed to crack 3 of the 4 teeth in half, so they offered me nitrous, which I refused. I…

Thanks for not leaving me hanging.

You're probably right.

I've never done ecstasy. The idea of the drug offends me.

Aaaaah! I got blocked from wasting my time posting on another AV Club article, that wouldn't let me log in through Disqus! Kinjapocalypse! Magnesium tungsten alloy! Panic in the streets! Dogs and cats living together!

I quite like it.

"Why did you stage this bedroom with TWO beds?"

Also, you have to desensitize yourself to the shock.

If only there were some illegal act he could be prosecuted for.

Well, that was his mistake right there. Never ask Bathtub Cosby for advice.

Shh, baby, Kells don' wanna hear it.

Kidney be less subtle?

This monster is like Cosby.

Comment/avatar synergy.

She's one of those "V" spaceship queens.


Like the floaters that appear on your retinas after spending too many hours in front of a computer screen, Taylor Swift is best ignored…