nominal name

I love Spike Jones. But I can understand that some/most people do not.

(Stops in tracks, raises eyebrow Spock-style, shrugs, sighs.)

"…but the coy joke of this list is that it’s not that different from any given top 250 rock list farted out in the past few decades…"

We have to account for artists such as these:

I give this article an F+.

Personally I'd go with Last Rights, with Too Dark Park at #2.


I have to give them credit for managing, finally, to be stupider than Pitchfork.

Nuance and insight, too.

Both independently true.

They put Metal Machine Music in their sights, and thereby missed the opportunity to simply make the list consist of Merzbow albums.

I had an inkling a wee bit sooner.

It's like they're intentionally refolding the road map all wrong.

Aaand, the fabulous Sarah Neufeld, who has gone on to record on her own.

Let's not forget those articles where it's done deliberately.

"In matters of taste and aesthetics, I like to consult Jezebel."

Say what you will about draft dodgers, but they do not, in fact, put any burden on the military.

The thing is, the AV Club's writing quality is in general decline. The handful of good writers contribute a handful of good articles, and the rest is best ignored. I really just drop into the comments section most of the time.

"That is one hell of a dress", I relevantly thought.

"Ask the Teutonic leather-freak in the wheelchair if there's room in the underground bunker for me."