I'm well aware of this. But they didn't win that many more votes in percentage terms (which is what matters in electoral trends).
I'm well aware of this. But they didn't win that many more votes in percentage terms (which is what matters in electoral trends).
I KNEW that skinny jean and corporate attire were different faces of the same enemy.
Patton Oswalt is a working comic with talent. Personally, I'm not convinced that Salon has contributed anything of value to culture. If their aim were true, in any sense, I might find their tone more bearable.
Beavis and Butthead sets the bar for "no hugging, no learning".
Goddamn, you beat me to it.
If he hugs you, you get this old cheese smell that lingers for a few days, and just won't shower off.
There was just one troll all this time?
I heard that in a Hank Hill voice.
I think they'd have plenty of HRC material. An HRC presidency would be awful, corrupt, and carry a healthy element of absurdity.
"Subtle about making their message clear"?
Right. One is not required to be a genius, or to have a formidable knowledge of the current global situation, to be just…be smart about a show like South Park.
Who's this "we", moonbeam?
Maybe Egypt is ready for Akbar & Jeff.
Apparently SNL is good again. Or is it? I haven't watched it since 2001. So I want it to end on general principle.
Before that time, humanity just squatted in the dirt, slept in the rain, ate raw meat and twigs, and shouted "Ni!" at each other.
Well, the interns write the articles now.
You think that's bad?
Nice Orwellian designation.
Joni Mitchell, as a poet/lyricist, is Bob Dylan's equal.
That would just be a source of conflict between my Mom and me.