Yeah, I'm wondering how long Fox can sustain being Obama's biggest fans/stalkers.
These are all valid points, but elections almost always boil down to two imperfect choices. Pragmatism dictates that we push against the worst outcome.
Keep your ignorant grubby millennial blogger paws off The Cure, AV Club.
Personally, I would probably throw some Cracker into that excellent playlist.
Probably because Let It Bleed, the album, contains so many genius-level canonical songs.
Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire is one of those songs that I sometimes listen to 5 times in a row.
Strangely, mostly Art Tatum and Ween.
Unfortunately for #45, Billy Childish is already taken. By a fairly intelligent guy.
It does have three syllables. The Google dictionary lists it as two syllables, "bilyən", but that requires you to flatten the long "e" vowel to a "y" non-palatized "consonant", which would sound considerably more affected.
I almost think she didn't play the part of Mad Biker With A Molotov Cocktail with sufficient enthusiasm.
Sarah Palin. I felt uneasy about her.
It's just…compare that to the Trump tweet upthread.
Oh hey, it's meth-o'clock.
I hope he gets better. On a human level.
I got chunks of guys like you in my stool.
I know he's a fine songwriter and all, but I can't imagine anything less appealing than the combination of that voice and that subject.
A complete list of people who have told Morty to "just let it happen".
As is appropriate.
I give it seven thumbs up.