Oppressed Ethnic Kekistani

I don't see her being "emotionally wrecked", I see her being spiteful. Someone who's emotionally wrecked doesn't usually start spewing details of intimate moments with their ex to humiliate them and get them executed…Someone who's being spiteful; "I'll get you for what you did", would… And then condemning Sansa, who

Wut? Varys had nothing to do with killing Joffrey. We pretty much know that Baelish and Olenna orchestrated that. Whether or not Varys knew it was going to happen is questionable, but whether or not he had a part in it is very, very unlikely.

The only reason I'm glad she's alive is so that maybe, just maybe, we can actually see someone knifing her.

Varys didn't do anything wrong. Varys never once said he'd stand up for Tyrion. He even said to Tyrion's face that he wouldn't lie for him. He likes Tyrion, and he knows Tyrion is one of the few people that can make a difference, but he's not going to stick his neck out for him.

Probably because

She was almost certainly coerced.

I have a feeling Tyrion's going to ask Jaime to fight for him, as he did at his trial in the Veil.

Varys told Tyrion from the get-go that he wasn't going to come to his aid if he found himself in trouble. He openly said "How long do you think your father and sister would keep me alive if they found out I was lying?". He flat out said that he had nobody to watch his back except himself—no "pet sellsword" and no

Rule of Acquisition #34.

At the same time, though, the promise to spare Tyrion came from Tywin, who isn't the loose cannon Joffery was. Had Tywin been there, Ned would likely still be alive. Tywin himself was very upset with Joffery for having Ned executed, because he knows that's not how things are supposed to be done, and I can't recall any

Of course her testimony isn't free choice.

So she loves him so much that she completely blows off HIS wishes to keep her safe and instead clings to him with wreckless abandon, and then proceeds to completely humiliate him while lying through her teeth while testifying and throwing not only him, but the completely innocent Sansa under the bus too?

I can see her motivations and that just makes me despise the character even more.

I can see it from Shae's point of view. She's pissed at him for wanting her gone. Sure, she may have a gun to her head, but even having a gun to her head did not give her a reason to go into intimate detail about their relationship that NOBODY ELSE would've known. She did that to humiliate him. Her little quip "I'm

I'm sorry for calling someone who basically says "U ALL MAD CUZ SHE A WOMAN WHO DON'T DO WHAT DA MAN SAY" a feminazi. Just calling it how I see it.

If people had much else to say about the relatively mundane events in the rest of the episode, they'd be talking about it.

"A bit spiteful"..

Because Tyrion didn't try less-destructive routes, right? He didn't spell it out for her clear as day on numerous occasions, right? Varys didn't stick his neck out to do the same, right?

The whole "He could've just left with her!" is a naive childhood Disney-esque happy-ending fairy-tale. It could not have worked for reasons that have already been posted.

100% fantastic character.