Oppressed Ethnic Kekistani

That's one thing you have to say about Tywin and Tyrion. They think alike and they know how to get at eachother.

I do also remember the scene where the dead prostitutes were hanging and the sign read "They lay with Lions" or something along those lines also being in English, so it's very possible that the "common tongue" is meant to be English.

The way I saw it, Grey Worm and the group he took with him were there to incite an uprising. That's a pretty common special-ops tactic. Arming the population, inciting an uprising. It's part of the "hearts and minds" game.

Well, he did buy her a house with servants. Manor? :P

It may have been written in "the common tongue" as they call it (English to us) on purpose. Grey Worm has been learning English and he openly said "Kill the Masters", which was what was written in blood. So it's being implied that Grey Worm wrote it, in a language he now spoke, even if in a limited fashion. We know

Exactly. And this is why I think anyone saying Varys betrayed either Ned or Tyrion needs to reevaluate their understanding of Varys.

Nobody's calling the character stupid because she's a woman who won't conform to what men tell her to do. Stop getting all feminazi.

Testing - can't reply?

And looked extremely amused with the whole thing, even tho Shae's answers just made me believe even more that she's throwing Tyrion under the bus for no other reason than to spite him.

It wasn't an impossible situation. Shae should've seen it coming. It was spelled out to her multiple times.

Tyrion saying "I want you to be safe" means she doesn't need to read between the lines. It's being spelled out for her. It was spelled out to her many, many times…and she chose to ignore it, hoping for "the best" in a world where "the best" simply doesn't happen, which was also explained to her by Tyrion. The fact

She SHOULD know that Tyrion wants her to leave so she'd be safe. It was only explained to her on multiple occasions.

Shae had a huge bag of diamonds offered to her to leave for her own safety - she turned it down.

Varys has to watch his own back. If he goes out on a limb for people that're accused of capital crimes, who comes to his aid? He's openly stated he doesn't have a "legendary brother" or a sellsword to come to his aid if he gets in trouble. So I can see Varys watching out for Varys. Because nobody else does…

But at the time Bronn would've made the decision to not take Shae to the boat, Tyrion hadn't been accused of anything yet and still had plenty to offer him.

You're acting as if Game of Thrones takes place in downtown Pittsburgh, not a medieval fantasy world where equal rights simply do not exist. This has been shown time and time again in every episode of the series so far.

I find it really hard to believe she's smart enough to try to save someone's life by giving false testimony that's extremely damning, not only against Tyrion, but against Sansa, who she had previously claimed to care deeply about as well. Also, if Tywin had said that, again, she could've made up anything and Tywin

I think it had a lot to do with the danger involved, because he clearly cared enough for Shae, and cared enough to have her removed from danger completely, to have her sent away over the narrow sea to a house he'd already purchased for her with servants for life..

People don't just disappear as easily as you think they do. Especially from the most well-informed man in the world. And those that have disappeared have done so by living poorly and basically scrounging, alone. Not living comfortable, happy lives.

However, running away with Shae would have been a similar scenario to Tyrion marrying Tysha. A marriage Tywin wouldn't have approved of. Do you honestly think Tywin would've approved of Tyrion running off with a whore after making the threat to have the next whore he was with hanged?