
It's a good thing he didn't go for it. It would have lasted 12 hours.

I can see it on the ad copy now…

FILED UNDER: TV (it will be on TV; proceed), James Cameron (he is clearly involved; next), Eli Roth (he is another person attached to this project; do go on), Robert Kirkman (he as well; continue), Visionaries (name of the project; clearly appropriate), Heat Vision And Jack (oh, you nutty AV Clubbers, you!)

Hell of a dancer, too.

Pffft, Cracker Barrel. Stuckey's or GTFO.

It's all part of a much larger conspiracy.

Will they be competing to wrangle a curmudgeonly Harrison Ford?

Oh, I remember. I remember. He was a better Kickboxer.

Not gonna lie to you. Looking forward to a Perfect Strangers deep dive, and pre-shaming myself for revisiting Step by Step.

I think we have a strong contender for the most cynical movie ever made.

You need someone who projects humorless stentorian square while deep down getting the joke. I just don't know that Hollywood produces that type anymore. Someone above referenced Andre Braugher; I think he's the closest we have to that these days.

Are you picky about your picks pick ups up-picks and pick-picks?

People who pull that 'first name only' crap are such pretentious douchebags.

unless death is somehow meaningless in superhero movies

The fact so fun, it can't be overdone.

The sign may say 'free', but I get the sense his neighbors will make him pay for it.

I haven't, and all I did was take a dump on his lawn once.

The Frisco Grandkid

It's a series of very antic, very well-staged, largely unfunny set pieces.

This does make me feel very nostalgic. It's like it's 1941 all over again.