
I will volunteer my services to make sure this is disposed of in a way that will ensure it does not fall into the hands of any impressionable youth.

What are you talking about?! That giant space slug's got CHARASMA!

I'm pretty sure I've already seen Dr. Pleasures on Cinemax in 1994.

Have you tried turning around?

Run their wine program? Like set up a database? Things must be rough out there for the B-Boy community. I didn't think Mike D would end up doing data entry.

"Don't Worry Baby" was recorded in January of 1964. The Beatles (my favorite group incidentally) would not record anything approaching that degree of sublime, lush beauty for a while. And "I Get Around" is basically its uptempo equal. Such intricate composition and layering.

Do you think this may be one of those properties where the charm of the performers carried a lot of the weight of its appeal? Like nearly all?


Thank you typo police. At least the other guy made a joke out of it.

"Alexa, it's baby making time. Play me some music."

I've seen these lists of every single song ranked for The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. What generally happens is I get about three or four songs into it from the bottom, see one I really like, and say, "This person is an idiot. Why do I care what they think?" and bale out.

…one almost wants to give the movie more credit than it deserves for sticking to a reasonable running time in an age of butt-numbing mega-gargantuan blockbusters.

You mean Whisper Lodge isn't Asylum's knockoff of Silent Hill?

I didn't read this because it was obvious to anyone paying any attention that it was originally conceived as a competitive cooking show.

Forget it, Brickstarter. It's Twittertown.


The inherent absurdity of suggesting a musician couldn't tour because of marijuana use… it's the sort of thing you could only hear from an insurance concern, or Jeff Sessions.

The funniest possible words are, in descending order: booty, tit, booby, hooter, and nitwit.

Lloyd’s Of London reportedly thinks West was unable to fulfill his tour duties due to his marijuana use

HIre Very Good Touring Company for your touring needs, or do not; I am not a beggar.

End of post.