
I just saw a dude with one at a jazz jam last week, he must have had a dozen harmonicas in there. Nerdiest looking kid ever with a school shooter haircut, but he was actually pretty good.

Well, Game of Thrones, for example, has its fair share of problems, but it does a pretty good job of creating stakes and meaningful deaths (besides Jon Snow!). The Foundation series brought in a super baddie in the Mule, and a superer Foundation as deus ex machina, but still made it seem important. The Ender series

Not at all to me - she looks like an alien attempt at constructing a human from low-grade plastic (while Ivanka had some high-grade aluminum in there)

Accent is not too bad for a gringa - a lot of words she said quite well, and she can manage the sounds competently, but a few words she mangled completely (montón, for example), which makes sense for an actor essentially just saying sounds.

Nope, I'm young and that was the only reference I got. After clicking that link, I think maybe they are saying it's a reference to the Nightmare on Elm Street, but the similarity is pretty tenuous (admittedly, I haven't seen the movie).

He's right - I'd seen the first four of those movies (and none of the rest), and I didn't recognize him either in any of the films or now.

For me, it was Medellin. Everyone was incredibly friendly, open and welcoming, without ulterior motives. The funny thing was they every super-friendly Medelliner warned us about all the OTHER Medelliners.

Unfortunately, it's a soporific overabundance.

What happened? A rape joke?

I enjoyed 22 Jump Street recently, which is probably pretty similar to this. People like Back to the Future Part 2

Julia's family estate is over $3 billion, so not hard for to to imagine $50 million as a pittance.

Hey, I'm a fan. I'm saying precisely that they are quite UNtrashy, so they look good compared to their pulp genre. However, they're not high literature either.

Well, I think it suffers from context. As trashy romance novels, they look pretty good. As a prestige drama, it's well, a bit trashy. But not really the fault of the adaptation.

Laurie and Fry also portrayed their definitive characters in Jeeves and Wooster, in the sense that if I see House, I just see Bertie Wooster as a doctor.

It's getting good reviews, in general - let's not give outsized credence to one opinion.

Kraft can make a mean Mac and Cheese, can't wait to go to their new Japanese restaurant!

We may be only the second luckiest generation in history (although I think that's pessimistic), but history is pretty long, and second ain't bad.

Maybe you can do that once or twice, but you can't live long-term doing that - they will get suspicious quickly. That works well in Peru, though!

Just get the ground beef. Government-approved meatless.

Though it's probably usually not Budweiser.