
I don't even know any more. I was horrified to learn that some of the readership have kids of their own now. And I thought I was hanging out with cool people!

Measuring your life by album releases might qualify though.

Not seeing anything incongruous or satirical about Argentines being white. Maybe having an American accent.

Funny thing is I give up on RPGs and adventure games within an hour - I have no patience - but managed to finish all of Braid and Machinarium with 0 cheating.

Braid was perhaps my favorite game ever and one of only a handful I've actually finished, but I'm still very doubtful that mazes can interest me.

That's just what they want you to think.

But I've never heard anyone use that term in real life (or written, for that matter, until today).

Because it has a built-in audience, that's why they option toys and twitter feeds. You are not exactly in the audience, since you hate this particular game and the very concept of such games. Now, it's true that it took way too long to come out - Warcraft's time in the cultural zeitgeist passed a few years ago.

I don't know that it's exactly Puritan - maybe paternalistic. It's more about being opposed to exploitation of the poor and uneducated, which fits pretty well with the liberal sensibilities of the show.

It actually happened almost exactly 15 years ago - the famous Stanford Law School escort, who turned her $2000/night escorting into a billionaire husband: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

Here’s something I don’t especially like admitting,
It kills me to say it
I hate to say it,
Have some courage in your convictions, AVClub drones!

Also seems to be defending Hitler (although maybe in his mind universal health care is somehow negative), although it's not true that he did those things. Universal health care came under the Weimar Republic, and he actually loosened gun ownership laws.

Strangely, Zombieland had the most influence on my life. Its portrait of the loner isolated in his dorm struck a bit close to home, so I started going to parties, got a girlfriend, moved into a co-op, became far more social in general.

The AV Club:
Avatar: Trash
Marvel: I can't wait!

It's like reading Cortazar's Rayuela without any of the hopping from section to section. And, yes, I did that.

Because Christian music is generally terrible. You could have "21 books that are great despite being about vampires" - nothing wrong with vampires, but books about them tend to be terrible.

Jawohl, mein Herr.

Not true, he gave it to an LLC - he gets no tax benefits from that, only when he actually gives it to a charity.

Yeah, was amazing how much ill-informed and jealous complaining there was about such an unambiguously positive act - the best were people complaining that it was some tax ploy, as if giving away 99% of your money is a good way to save taxes.

What's the problem with Solloway's comparison of Bruce Jenner and Transparent? Seems like a comparison that springs to mind, given age, location, timing, and Transparent is a perfectly respectful treatment, rather than a "cruel mockery." (actually, a term better reserved for the Jenner-Kardashians) And as the creator