
They cook a lot of meth there.

Nathan for You transcends TV, but still gotta be #1. And maybe I'm old, but man, that is an awfully unimpressive list of albums.

At least it got the coveted Actor Acting Like He's Acting Golden Globe

Obama's America

Pretty sure this is not a thing. I have neither heard his new music, nor heard about it (nor even knew he had a new album), but on Metacritic, it is actually the LOWEST of his four albums: http://www.metacritic.com/p…

Avoiding any webseries is probably a good general guideline for time usage.

Woah, The first Star Wars prequel was released in the same year as the Matrix? I honestly would have put ten years between them. I've never seen the prequels, but if you'd told me the first one came out in 2009, I would have been MUCH less surprised than 1999.

I'm a video game fan in theory, but in practice I've finished less than a dozen games in my life (and probably started ten times that many) - I just give up so easily, usually after playing once or twice. If there's any kind of slow patch or unpleasant learning curve, I just feel like it's a waste of time (even though

I thought you were talking about the Witness, partially because I've been looking forward to it for a long time (skeptical as I am of the maze concept), since I loved Braid, partially because of the title of the article… So I don't get the joke - is there another game that fits that description?

Only because Nathan for You is officially performance art, not a comedy.

The funny thing is that the few books ahead of it on the Self-Help list are even more ridiculous, mostly "adult coloring" books and a book about how "tidying up" will change your life.

Isn't the Lord of the Rings about a ring that makes you invisible, but you get more and more addicted?

I guess I identify more with conventional families. Is the family in Fatso unconventional? Not sure what the qualifier really adds to the question.

I have a bar phone - is that older/chicer than a flip phone?

Well, not based on the specific case of Speers. Pretty clear it wasn't a legit price, since it was specifically designed to exploit BestBuy, and not to sell any TVs. In the general sense, maybe there could be systematic abuse, though.

So Ender's Game?

Do geeks like vampires and zombies? I thought this was more then teenage girl Twilight audience.

The product placement for the hummus and then the Oreos was just too much for me. Nicely done question about where Jeb disagrees with his brother, but overall definitely not worth watching at this, admittedly early, stage.

The US already has some of the worst math education in the world, and now we want to dumb it down even more? It's not like students are being required to learn advanced math. At my very good school, you only need to take two years of math to graduate, which, in the lowest lane, wouldn't even take you past Algebra.

By nature, a school with required attendance for many hours a day and a very varied level of students will be tremendously inefficient. For any given student, some things will be useful, but at the wrong pace, many things will be useless - but you must attend and do busy work for ALL of them. Many European schools