
This seems likely to me now. Especially when you add the possibility that it's not a "standard" coma, but could be connected with the black lodge. Also potential that it's not a coma at all and that she's trapped, somewhat similarly to Jeffries with limited contact to the "real" world.

As in slippers. Waiting for Judy as in Garland, Dorothy, Major Briggs.


I meant Mike the one armed man, but he has definitely appeared. Was probably thinking of the man from another place.

Or an actor that didn't die with nothing and no explanation.

We are moving closer to the reveal of Judy.

On second thought, that's too strong. I think eyeless woman is a definite possibility, maybe even more likely.

Judy has got to be Briggs. He's loomed as a key figure throughout the series, I'm sure we'll get more of him before the end.

I'm so tired of the simplicity of the complaint. It's one of the many hollow arguments that have sprouted from the feminism movement. The movement itself is a much needed one but is struggling for a meaningful narrative of late.

As much as I was prepared not to get answers this season, I'm almost shocked at how many we are getting or seem to be setting up for. The odd early season scenes are tying in as are scenes from FWWM and even the whole "cosmology" is getting some kind of explanation.

Saul's scum. Jimmy's scum with a conscience - or a Kim.

Chicken and egg. From Chuck's side the relationship was over before that due to Jimmy's continual bad behaviour.

Generally agree. He does feel but has cut himself off from those feelings, instead finding outlet in his illness. There's no coincidence that he's at his worst whenever he's having problems with Jimmy and at his absolutely worst after pushing him away completely.

D & M lawyer?

Jimmy also confessed to swindling the women, that the better deal was to wait. Whether entirely true or exaggeration is the question. The HHM lawyer seemed sincere though.

Will also mention Chuck's glance at the photographs on his desk after Jimmy left. I think this clearly showed his claim to feel nothing for Jimmy was bullshit. Anyone know who the photos were of?

Brilliant episode.

A few less ad breaks too I've noticed.

I've never really understood complaints about pacing or "dead scenes". I sometimes have the opposite complaint where too much happens and there's not enough downtime (Breaking Bad is an example, though I greatly enjoyed it), but I'm rarely of the opinion that the pacing is too slow.

Not intentionally "hot". Just my genuine takes. Was worried we weren't going to see Dougie at all this episode.