
Damn. Can't they just take a break in America? Would be perfectly fine with that ;).

Exactly. It was a dull scene, and most every old cast Twin Peaks scene has been. I understand why they are there and I'm ok with it, but the episodes with less of them are stronger. This ep was one of the weaker ones.

Seems like I may be out of step, but that was probably my least favourite ep so far. Much preferred 5 and 6. The Twin Peaks scenes with the old characters continue to be the weakest. It's bad fan service (or to be generous, honouring of the original cast members), even giving us a pointless phone conversation with

Yep, wasn't disputing that, my mistake. Would have been on the nose if it were.

That's the other possibility. Let's hope not.

No it's not.

However you want to look at Kim's crash, Jimmy's the main cause of it. Far more so than Chuck is the cause for Jimmy's misdeeds.

Rather than Chuck turning Jimmy into Saul, I think there's a fair argument that Jimmy's need to please him kept Saul at bay for a short while but that he was always going to come out. Without Chuck Jimmy would have gone full Saul earlier but would have got there at some point no matter what Chuck did. People just

It's not that Jimmy got Irene to settle or that he did it by underhanded means or with concealed motive (the worst you could say about HHM). It was the cruelty of what he did that's unforgivable.

If it determines location then 3 needs to be Dougie's and 15 evil Coop's. Those are the two we saw him enter or almost enter.

Completely the opposite for me, I was hoping they'd go back to it. It's the Twin Peaks scenes that have been the weakest (with some exceptions). I'm really glad they're slowly working their way towards the town, too much of it would be a chore. Once the full expanded cast and Cooper are all in place it should work a

Actors ageing badly? One of the best parts of this show is that there are older actors in major roles.

Gotta say the last couple of eps are probably my favourite. Less of the Black Lodge (the more we see of it the less affecting it becomes) and more grounded in reality with slight oddities. The Dougie scenes really work for me in this sense. He's acting "weird as shit" but is mostly being accepted, which is just a bit

Jimmy would have continued to practise elder law until his first minor inconvenience. Then there'd be a lot of "why me?" whining and a slide back to his old ways.

It wasn't a guess. Chuck, I assume, saw the books.

I think the metal detector was just a cover. He was just digging randomly in the general area.

Jimmy: "You believe me, right?" She says yes, but has serious doubts. Which is why she takes on the extra client. Jimmy can't be relied on and she suspects his money is not legit.

The cartoonish Chuck characterisation is now making some sense. The softening is now happening. Chuck will work his arse off to beat his affliction. Just like mail room Jimmy did to become a lawyer. But in the end it will be for nothing, he's going to be removed from the firm, all thanks to Jimmy (over the malpractise

I think it reinforced to him the effect of loss on families left behind, which got him thinking about the good Samaritan Hector killed and deciding he can't let things be.

I think it could be real simple.